Vitamin D3 Hevert 1000 IU

Vitamin D3 Hevert 1000 IU

For vitamin D deficiency, to prevent rickets, and as supportive therapy in osteoporosis

For vitamin D deficiency – For strong, healthy bones

Vitamin D3 Hevert 1000 IU

Vitamin D in the form of vitamin D3 (colecalciferol) is necessary so that bones can develop normally and stay healthy. In children a deficiency could cause rickets, in adults softened bones and in older people the dreaded osteoporosis. For some time now, however, vitamin D deficiency has also been associated with a number of other disorders and diseases such as diabetes or cardiovascular problems, greater susceptibility to infection, as well as some tumors. Experts therefore absolutely advise having vitamin D levels checked and to supplement if there is a deficiency.

Vitamin D is synthesized in the skin with exposure to sufficiently intensive solar radiation. It is also absorbed from food in small amounts. Because so many people have office jobs, they avoid the sun (by wearing clothing or using sunscreen) or in the darker months (October to April), most people in Germany regularly have a detectable deficiency. Unfortunately, as people age, the body’s ability to synthesize vitamin D also decreases. Because few foods contain high levels of vitamin D, vitamin D deficiency usually cannot be compensated for through diet.

Vitamin D3 Hevert 1000 IU contains a high enough dose of vitamin D. Taking vitamin D regularly supplies the body with the required amount of vitamin D on an ongoing basis, making it possible for all metabolic processes that require vitamin D to function.

Taking Vitamin D3 Hevert 1000 IU regularly prevents deficiency and its consequences. Together with a diet high in calcium, Vitamin D3 Hevert 1000 IU ensures healthy bone growth and prevents porous, brittle bone structure. Vitamin D3 Hevert 1000 IU is well tolerated and is also suitable for babies and toddlers. Just 1 tablet a day can prevent vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D3 Hevert 1000 IU combats vitamin D deficiency for strong, healthy bones

The active ingredients

Kein Wirkstoffbild


1 tablet contains:

colecalciferol dry concentrate  10 mg
  equivalent to 25 µg colecalciferol (= 1000 IU vitamin D)

Other ingredients

Sodium starch glycolate type A, DL-alpha-tocopherol, colloidal silicon dioxide, hydrogenated soybean oil, corn starch, microcrystalline cellulose, sodium stearyl fumarate, bovine gelatin, sucrose.


For prevention purposes in individuals with known risk of a vitamin D deficiency, half a tablet to 1 tablet daily. For supportive treatment in osteoporosis, 1 tablet daily. For the prevention of rickets, half a tablet daily.

During long-term therapy with Vitamin D3 Hevert 1000 IU, calcium levels in blood and urine should be monitored regularly and kidney function checked by measuring the serum creatinine.

Usage infos


For prevention purposes in individuals with known risk of a vitamin D deficiency. For the supportive treatment of osteoporosis. For the prevention of rickets.


Hypersensitivity to colecalciferol (Vitamin D3), soy, peanut or to any of the excipients. Hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria. Pseudohypoparathyroidism. Tendency to form kidney stones containing calcium.

Vitamin D3 should be used with great caution in patients with impaired calcium and phosphate excretion via the kidneys, with sarcoidosis, if being treated with benzothiadiazine derivatives and in immobilized patients because of the risk of hypercalcaemia.

During pregnancy, Vitamin D3 Hevert 1000 IU should only be taken strictly as per diagnosis and dosed only as absolutely necessary to correct the deficiency. Overdoses of vitamin D in pregnancy must be avoided as long-lasting hypercalcemia may lead to physical and mental disabilities as well as congenital heart and eye diseases in the child.

Adverse effects

The undesirable effects of vitamin D arise as a result of hypercalcemia in overdose. Depending on the dose and duration of therapy, severe and long-lasting hypercalcemia with its acute (cardiac dysrhythmias, nausea, vomiting, mental symptoms, disturbances of consciousness) and chronic (excessive production/passage of urine, increased thirst, lack of appetite, weight loss, kidney stone formation, kidney calcification, calcification in tissues other than bones) consequences may arise. Fatal outcomes have been reported in individual cases. In rare cases allergic reactions due to the excipient soybean oil.


Phenytoin, barbiturates and glucocorticoids may impair the effect of vitamin D. Thiazide diuretics may lead to hypercalcemia. Calcium levels in blood and urine should therefore be monitored during long-term treatment. The risk of heart rhythm disorders may increase when taking cardiac glycosides.

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