CSR Annual Reports

Hevert-Arzneimittel has published its 13th Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report. Without being subject to mandatory reporting, the family-run company from Nussbaum has been demonstrating the importance it attaches to social and environmentally friendly commitment at both regional and international level since 2011.

In addition to preparing the carbon footprint, the focus of Corporate Responsibility 2023 was on employee development and supporting regional projects. The report can be read here.

Hevert has been publishing its annual Corporate Responsibility Report (CSR Report) for over 10 years. This has been a voluntary initiative from the outset, as the medium-sized family business is not subject to any reporting obligations. ‘We are not only following the trend of the times, but also want to be a co-creator of change,’ says Marcus Hevert, who is the third generation to run the company with his brother Mathias. Hevert wants to act as a role model and motivate others to act in an environmentally and resource-friendly manner and to take responsibility for social issues at all times. The report is based on the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative.

Climate-neutral outlook

Extreme weather conditions are increasingly having a major impact on people’s lives – even in Germany. In the summer of 2021, heavy rainfall caused devastating damage in parts of Rhineland-Palatinate. Hevert immediately supported those affected with donations of money and medicines.

Individual help was and is important, but Hevert’s credo is that long-term projects must be realised in order to continue to relieve the environment in the long term. This is why the family-run company took another significant step towards greater environmental protection in 2021: ‘Together with a climate protection agency, we have voluntarily drawn up a carbon footprint that shows how much carbon dioxide is produced by Hevert’s business activities. ‘We offset the CO2 that we cannot prevent by supporting international nature conservation projects,’ explains Olga Rolnik, the person responsible for environmental management at Hevert. Hevert has now been certified as a climate-neutral company through CO2 offsetting (ecz.fyi/DE-077-490020/) since the beginning of 2022 – another building block in the naturopathy and vital substance expert’s consciously environmentally friendly orientation.

Hevert wants to continue to improve its CO2 balance. Hevert is able to consistently pursue this goal thanks to its photovoltaic systems and other measures. Compared to the previous year, CO₂ emissions were reduced by 31% in 2023.

Mathias Hevert, Managing Director and member of the Corporate Responsibility team at Hevert, is proud of this development: ‘Emissions were also reduced last year. We define success not only as achieving financial targets, but also as fulfilling our responsibility in an ecological and social sense.

Climate protection projects worldwide

– Through its partner natureOffice, Hevert supports one climate protection project in Togo, one in Kenya and one in Brazil to offset its unavoidable CO2 emissions. Mathias Hevert was able to gain a first-hand impression of the nature conservation project in Togo. There, 15 tonnes of CO2 per hectare per year are now being absorbed through reforestation on areas that were originally bare. In addition to climate protection, this initiative also creates job opportunities for the local population and thus improves their lives. ‘I am absolutely delighted with the natureOffice project in Togo,’ explains Mathias Hevert after his return. ‘Projects like this are a meaningful contribution to global environmental protection and the local people.’

Further information on the climate protection projects funded by Hevert can be found here.

The current Hevert Corporate Responsibility Report can be downloaded here.

The annual reports from previous years, each for the period January to December, can be viewed here as a PDF.