Hevert Pain Relief
Homoeopathic medicine for muscle pain, bruising and swelling due to injuries
Homoeopathic medicine for muscle pain, bruising and swelling due to injuries
Impairment of the musculoskeletal system (bones, joints, muscles and connective tissue) due to blunt injuries such as sprains, strains and contusions happens frequently during every day and sporting activities. A strain occurs when muscles are overstreched and if the strain is severe, the muscle fibers may tear. A blow or other impact, for instance a collision with an obstacle, can cause a muscle or joint contusion. The compression causes lymphatic fluid and blood to leak into tissues, resulting in swelling and bruising.
Bruising due to tissue compression also develops following, for example, surgery or tooth extraction. In a sprain, when an ankle is inadvertently twisted or turned, for example, the joint capsule and surrounding muscles and ligaments are overstreched. This may result in torn ligaments and, if blood vessels were damaged, bruising as well.
Hevert Pain Relief contains two naturopathic active ingredients selected for the treatment of bruising and swelling due to injuries and overexertion. Following dental treatment or surgery, sports injuries with contusions, strains and bruising, Hevert Pain Relief supports the healing process. It is easy to use, the tablets quickly dissolve in mouth. Hevert Pain Relief is generally well tolerated and, following consultation with a physician, it may also be helpful for children after minor accidents.
Hevert Pain Relief provides relief of muscle pain and stiffness, bruising and swelling due to injuries and overexertion.
Other ingredients
Lactose and magnesium stearate q.s.
Adults and children over 12 years of age:
Dissolve 2 tablets in mouth 3 times daily. In acute cases, dissolve 2 tablets in mouth 6 times daily.
Children 6 to 12 years of age:
Dissolve 1 tablet in mouth 3 times daily. In acute cases, dissolve 1 tablet in mouth 6 times daily.
For the treatment of muscle pain and stiffness. For relief of bruising and swelling due to injuries and overexertion.
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