Hevert Cough Relief SL
Homoeopathic medicine for cough and hoarseness associated with common cold
Homoeopathic medicine for cough and hoarseness associated with common cold
Inflammation of the respiratory tract is often accompanied by cough attacks or a constant urge to cough. If left untreated, this dry, irritating cough usually turns into a cough with mucus-like, viscous sputum, the bronchial tubes become constricted and breathing becomes difficult with shortness of breath. Treating such a bronchitis early and consistently one can quickly breathe freely again and prevent the inflammation from spreading and becoming chronic.
Hevert Cough Relief SL reliably helps with respiratory complaints, such as those caused by a bronchitis. Irritant coughs and cramp-like or dry coughs are relieved, stuck mucus in the bronchial tubes is loosened and excessive mucus production is stopped. Hevert Cough Relief SL tablets are effective in acute respiratory infections with cough and hoarseness as well as in chronic cough. Taking the tablets is easy – they dissolve in the mouth.
The combination of nine carefully selected naturopathic substances helps naturally and reliably with inflammation of the respiratory tract with cough and strengthens the self-healing powers. The inflammation of the respiratory tract, such as in a bronchitis, subsides and the agonising urge to cough is relieved. Tough mucus is liquefied and loosened. This results in a cough with expectoration and the mucus can be coughed up better together with the pathogens. The constricted bronchial tubes relax and allow the patient to breathe freely again. An extension of the inflammation, for example to the frontal and paranasal sinuses, often can be avoided.
Hevert Cough Relief SL tablets help with acute and chronic inflammation of the respiratory tract, relieve coughing and loosen stuck mucus.
Other ingredients
Lactose, magnesium stearate and maize starch q.s.
Adults and children over 12 years of age:
Dissolve 2 tablets in mouth 3 times daily. In acute cases, dissolve 2 tablets in mouth 6 times daily.
Children 6 to 12 years of age:
Dissolve 1 tablet in mouth 3 times daily. In acute cases, dissolve 1 tablet in mouth 6 times daily.
For the treatment of acute and chronic inflammation of the respiratory tract, such as bronchitis, cough and hoarseness associated with common cold.
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