Zincum Hevert
Naturopathic medicine for nervous restlessness, including in children
Unfocused? Inattentive? Hyperactive?
Zincum Hevert provides natural help with nervous restlessness
In the modern world, we are faced with numerous situations that stress our bodies and especially try our nerves. As digitalization advances, stress, constant activity, performance pressure, and increased consumption of media are features of daily life. This often affects children, too. Some of them have attention deficit disorders such as ADD and ADHD, which can manifest themselves in the form of symptoms such as nervous restlessness, lack of concentration, inattentiveness, and hyperactivity.
Zincum Hevert Tabletten are a naturopathic medicine that has long been known for its use for calming and balancing the nervous system and the psyche. The carefully selected naturopathic active ingredients are intended to provide calm and relaxation, protect against environmental stimuli, decrease stress and tension, have a positive effect on mood, and increase resilience.
Zincum Hevert takes its name from the ingredient Zincum metallicum (zinc), which is used to treat nervous restlessness and sleep disorders (e.g. restless legs syndrome), particularly in children. Platinum metallicum (platinum) is a remedy for depressive moods and increased agitation. Phosphorus helps to combat rapid tiredness (e.g. during studying or in other mental activities), lack of concentration, weakness, and agitation caused by anxiety and nervousness. Ignatia (St. Ignatius bean) is used predominantly to treat severe mood swings. Hyoscyamus (henbane) has a positive effect on sleep disorders as well as hyperactivity (including in conjunction with aggressiveness), restlessness, and excitement, especially in children. Cimicifuga (black cohosh) has an antispasmodic effect in cases of nervous disorders and depression. Zincum Hevert does not cause tiredness, and there are no addictive effects or withdrawal symptoms. It can also be taken in combination with chemical preparations, and is widely used to treat children. The naturopathic preparation is available from pharmacies without prescription.
Zincum Hevert is intended to have a calming effect on restlessness and boost concentration.
- Nervous restlessness
- Children with ADD, ADHD
- Lack of concentration, hyperactivity
- Restless legs syndrome
The active ingredients
Hyoscyamus niger
Ignatia amara
Platinum metallicum
Zincum metallicum
Pack sizes
Copyright 2024 Hevert-Arzneimittel GmbH & Co. KG. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Das breite Sortiment von Hevert-Arzneimittel deckt nahezu alle naturheilkundlich relevanten Anwendungsbereiche ab. Der Fokus liegt auf den Bereichen Psyche/Schlaf, Erkältung & Vitamine.
Founded in 1956 by Dorothea and Emil Hevert, Hevert-Arzneimittel is an independent family-run company. After being led by Dr. Wolfgang Hevert, the company is being run today by Marcus and Mathias Hevert, the third generation to do so.
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