Vitamin E Hevert 200 IE
Corrects vitamin E deficiency and protects the body’s cells against an excess of free radicals
Against free radicals:
Vitamin E Hevert has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect
Vitamin E can take different forms, given the collective name tocopherols by experts. The best-known radical inceptor is alpha-tocopherol. Vitamin E deficiency can be caused by strict low-fat diets, e.g. for diabetics or overweight people, in the event of disrupted flow of bile in the small intestine or malabsorption disorders due to partial removal of the intestine, e.g. in the case of Crohn’s disease, or the taking of certain medications.
The following medications can inhibit absorption of vitamin E into the body:
- Cholestyramine (lipid-lowering agent)
- Orlistat (fat absorption inhibitor)
- Isoniazid (against tuberculosis)
- Phenobarbital (against epilepsy)
- Carbamazepine (against epilepsy)
Signs of insufficient supply of vitamin E:
- Increased storage of lipofuscin (age spots) in the skin and muscles
- Nerve function disorders
- Muscle weakness
- Reduced survival time of the red blood cells
How does vitamin E work?
Vitamin E can prevent the onset of hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis), as it:
- protects cholesterol from oxidation, i.e. stops it from “going rancid”
- prevents “agglutination” of the blood
- has an anti-inflammatory effect, e.g. in rheumatic processes
- protects our fat-rich brains from radicals
Vitamin E Hevert 200 IE is a valuable antioxidant against free radicals. The vitamin E capsules help to reliably overcome vitamin E deficiency and the associated symptoms.
Vitamin E Hevert 200 IE capsules protect the cells against oxidative stress
Vitamin E is a naturally occurring antioxidant, and is needed in the body in the event of:
- a tendency toward hardening of the arteries (e.g. smokers)
- a rheumatic disease
- high stress levels
- a strict diet
- competitive sports
The active ingredients
Pack sizes
Copyright 2024 Hevert-Arzneimittel GmbH & Co. KG. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Das breite Sortiment von Hevert-Arzneimittel deckt nahezu alle naturheilkundlich relevanten Anwendungsbereiche ab. Der Fokus liegt auf den Bereichen Psyche/Schlaf, Erkältung & Vitamine.
Founded in 1956 by Dorothea and Emil Hevert, Hevert-Arzneimittel is an independent family-run company. After being led by Dr. Wolfgang Hevert, the company is being run today by Marcus and Mathias Hevert, the third generation to do so.
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