Vitamin D3 Hevert
Vitamin D3 preparation for deficiency and increased requirements
Vitamin D3 preparation for deficiency and increased requirements
Healthy vitamin D levels are essential so that bones can develop normally and stay strong and healthy. Children are at risk of vitamin D deficiency symptoms in the form of rickets, while adults face the threat of softening of the bones and, in old age, the dreaded osteoporosis. However, vitamin D deficiency is also associated with diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, susceptibility to infection, and certain tumors. Therefore, experts recommended having vitamin D levels checked and rectifying any apparent deficiency. Vitamin D is produced in the skin when the sun shines, and small amounts are also ingested via food. Many people are prone to a shortage of vitamin D if they working mainly in an office, if they deliberately avoid the sun, and in the darker months of the year (October to April). The body’s ability to produce vitamin D decreases significantly in old age. As only a few foods contain large quantities of vitamin D, vitamin D deficiency cannot usually be corrected by diet.
Vitamin D3 Hevert contains essential vitamin D in a dosage of 1,000 IU per tablet. Taking vitamin D regularly keeps the body a supplied with the requisite quantity of vitamin D, thus allowing the functioning of all metabolic processes that need vitamin D. That means staying well supplied with Hevert vitamin D3 preparations at all times – the right dosage for everyone.
Taking Hevert vitamin D3 tablets regularly prevents deficiency symptoms and their consequences. Combined with a high-calcium diet, Vitamin D3 Hevert ensures healthy bone growth and prevents a porous, brittle bone structure. Vitamin D3 Hevert is well tolerated and also suitable for babies and small children. Just one tablet per day can prevent vitamin D deficiency.
Vitamin D3 Hevert – for active immune defense, sturdy bones, and increased vitality
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