Vitamin B12 Depot Hevert
1000 µg depot vitamin B12
1000 µg depot vitamin B12
If you feel exhausted and listless and have lost your zest for life, vitamin B12 may help. The vitamin in the group of B vitamins performs many tasks in the body, such as building up the genetic material that is DNA, cell reproduction, acting as a catalyst for energy metabolism, protecting the nerve cells, and forming red cells. It’s hardly surprising that deficiency affects mind and body. There are various reasons for vitamin B12 deficiency, but most of them relate to absorption of the vitamin. The causes include bowel diseases, gastritis, certain drugs, and old age. Strict vegetarians, vegans or people with an unbalanced diet can also expect vitamin B12 deficiency.
Vitamin B12 Depot Hevert ampules are intended to ensure fast and lasting success against deficiency symptoms. At a physical level, these include anemia, exhaustion, loss of appetite, nerve pain, muscle tremor, coordination disorders, and tingling or a sense of numbness in the legs. At a psychological level, a lack of vitamin B12 can lead to listlessness, depressive mood, difficulty concentrating, nervousness, and sleep disorders.
Vitamin B12 Depot Hevert contains high-dose hydroxocobalamin, and is injected. It quickly provides the requisite energy, and is much more effective than vitamin B12 preparations in tablet form, which have to take a detour through the stomach and intestine. To achieve a lasting effect, application is carried out by a doctor or natural practitioner, usually in the form of a course of injections over several weeks.
Vitamin B12 Depot Hevert is intended to overcomes the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency quickly, restoring lost vitality and fitness as a result.
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