Vitamin B Complete Hevert

Vitamin B Complete Hevert

For long-term basic supply of all eight B vitamins

Vitamin B Complete Hevert for more energy and strong nerves

The complete vegan package with all eight B vitamins

Our environment, our eating habits, and our lifestyle sometimes mean that we do not receive a sufficient supply of vitamin B. B vitamins are indispensable for all energy production processes in the human body. When supplied with sufficient B vitamins, you are less nervous, more productive, and concentrate well. Each B vitamin has special tasks in the body, although the interaction between B vitamins is important as well.
Are you getting enough B vitamins?
The following symptoms may indicate a deficiency: Do you feel:

  •  Weak
  •  Faint
  •  Drained
  •  Nervous
  •  Restless
  •  Unfocused
  •  Stressed
  •  Tired
  •  Exhausted

As a dietary supplement, Vitamin B Complete Hevert offers an easy, vegan solution. After all, we often lack the time needed for a balanced diet and an overall healthy lifestyle.

Vitamin B Complete Hevert is intended to supply the body with the full range of B vitamins that are indispensable for its normal functional capability and vitality. B vitamins such as vitamins B6, B12, folic acid and niacin influence one’s mental performance and alleviate tiredness and fatigue. They are also required for normal functioning of the nervous system (for example, vitamins B6 and B12). Vitamin B2, niacin, and biotin are important for the skin and mucus membranes. The vital substances choline and inositol supplement the B vitamins. In addition, the coenzyme PABA boosts the skin, hair, and nails.

Vitamin B Complete contains all vitamin B complex vitamins from B1 through B12, in a vegan dosage form. The dosage of the dietary supplement is selected to ensure there is a sufficient supply even when the need is greater; for example, during periods of high mental or physical strain, or due to an unbalanced diet. Vitamin B Complete Hevert is intended to benefit vegetarians, vegans, competitive athletes, and people under constant strain in their daily lives and at work. Combined, the vitamins mutually supplement one another in their metabolic functions. Vitamin B Complete Hevert is thus intended to ensure the healthy functioning of our bodies in many areas. A healthy supply of B vitamins supports the skin and mucous membranes, energy balance, the nervous and immune systems, as well as brain function.

Vitamin B Complete Hevert – the complete vegan package for long-term basic supply of all eight B vitamins for the nervous system and energy metabolism 
+ Choline and inositol
 The vital substances that perfectly complement the B vitamins
 The coenzyme for the skin, hair, and nails

Our recommendation

  • For intense physical strain
  • For pronounced mental or nervous tension
  • Especially suitable for vegans and vegetarians

The ingredients

Acidum folicum
para-Aminobenzoesäure (PABA)

Recommended use


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