Strophanthus Hevert

Strophanthus Hevert

Naturopathic medicine for heart symptoms

For a strong & calm heart

Strophanthus Hevert – for heart symptoms

The heart supplies organs and muscles with two vital substances: blood and oxygen. In cases of heart failure, the heart is no longer fully able to do this. As the heart’s function gradually declines, the lack of oxygen in the body becomes noticeable in the form of rapid tiredness and exhaustion, and breathlessness. Symptoms sometimes known as nervous heart symptoms can also arise in the event of physical or emotional strain, excitement, fear, or stress. They typically manifest themselves as temporary rhythm disturbances such as tachycardia or an irregular heartbeat, but can also arise around the heart in the form of pressure and pain.

Strophanthus Hevert is intended to boost and regulate heart function in order to reduce the risk of nervous heart symptoms. Rhythm disturbances such as an excessively fast or irregular heartbeat are less common. The naturopathic medicine is suitable for acute and long-term treatment, and can also be used in combination with chemical heart preparations.

The active ingredient Strophanthus comes from the seeds of an African medicinal plant with the botanical name Strophanthus gratus. Its ingredients are related to those of the foxglove (Digitalis). Strophanthus increases the strength of the heartbeat, such as in the early stages of heart failure. It slows down excessively fast heart function and curbs uncontrolled stimulation of the heart, which can lead to an irregular heart rate. In particular, this improves heart symptoms caused by nervous disorders as well as the fear of developing them.

Strophanthus Hevert is intended to help overcome disruption to cardiac output and rhythm caused by nervous disorders.

Strophanthus Hevert for

  • reduced strength of heartbeat
  • heart symptoms caused by nervous disorders
  • cardiac rhythm disturbances

The active ingredients




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