Sinusitis Hevert SL

Sinusitis Hevert SL

Naturopathic medicine for inflammation in the nose and throat and the sinuses

A clear nose in cases of runny nose and colds

with Sinusitis Hevert SL

Caught a cold again? People are susceptible to colds at any time of the year. After all, colds are not triggered by the weather or low temperatures. Viruses are usually to blame. Adults get them two to four times a year, while children are much more prone to infections than that. Typical cold symptoms include a sore throat, a blocked nose and coughing. Although these complaints are unpleasant, they are important defensive responses by the body against the pathogens. Exhaustion and stress make it easier for viruses or bacteria to settle on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Boosting immune defense is better than suppressing the cold symptoms with drugs. Calm, naturopathy, and household remedies can help to shake off a cold quickly. Beware of progression to the lower respiratory tract, as a simple runny nose can develop into sinusitis due to swelling of the mucous membranes, which, in turn, will reduce mucus drainage.

Sinusitis Hevert SL – for the whole family – is intended to help ward off infections and naturally fight inflammation in the nose and throat area and sinuses.

Sinusitis Hevert SL

  • Helps ward off infections
  • Loosens stubborn mucus, gently opening up the nose and sinuses
  • Has a decongestant and anti-inflammatory effect
  • Relieves accompanying symptoms such as fatigue, head pressure, sneezing, and itching
  • Easy to take – the tablets dissolve in the mouth.

The preparation is well tolerated and also suitable for treating babies and children. As it contains no essential oils, it can also be taken by people with a sensitive stomach. The combination of eleven carefully selected naturopathic active ingredients is used in a natural way for both acute colds and chronic sinusitis.

Sinusitis Hevert SL is intended to ease runny noses, inflammation in the nose and throat area, and sore throats in a natural way.

  • runny nose (rhinitis)
  • acute and chronic inflammation of the sinuses (sinusitis)
  • frequently recurring sinusitis (relapses)
  • sore throat (pharyngitis)
  • as adjunctive therapy when taking antibiotics

The active ingredients

Apis mellifica
Echinacea angustifolia
Hepar sulfuris
Kalium bichromicum
Mercurius bijodatus
Spongia marina



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