Rheuma Hevert

Rheuma Hevert

Naturopathic medicine for rheumatic diseases

Less pain. More mobility

with Rheuma Hevert

If you can no longer undo a water bottle or button up a blouse, and every movement hurts, you may have rheumatism. Pain, inflammation, and impaired mobility are the most common symptoms of rheumatic diseases. Rheumatism can be caused by age and wear or be inflammatory, and can affect various parts of the body such as the bones, joints, muscles or connective tissue. The term “rheumatism” is very broad, and covers various rheumatic diseases such as arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, connective tissue diseases (collagenoses), and gout. However, rheumatism is usually taken to mean rheumatoid arthritis. Potential triggers include infections, metabolic disorders, deposits of uric acid crystals in the joints, excessive strain, or misalignment. Although rheumatism is not yet curable, its symptoms can be treated.

Rheuma Hevert, a naturopathic medicine, is intended to ease inflammation-related rheumatic pain in joints and muscles, thus aiding mobility. With its carefully selected ingredients, the medicine is used against various types of rheumatic disease. The treatment is gentle and well tolerated. Success becomes more apparent over time, with rheumatism symptoms usually starting to improve after you have taken the drops for one to two weeks. Acute inflammations and associated joint swellings subside. Muscle cramps recede, the joints become more mobile, and muscle and joint pain is eased. As a result, you can enjoy a rheumatism-free life again.

Rheuma Hevert contains seven coordinated naturopathic active ingredients. Each individual active ingredient is used against various forms of rheumatic disease. For example, bittersweet nightshade (Dulcamara) is used to relieve rheumatic problems that are made worse by cold and damp, bryony (Bryonia) for helping to combat acute inflammations with swellings and fever, and wild rosemary (Ledum) and meadowsweet (Spiraea ulmaria) as remedies for articular rheumatism. Tartar emetic (Tartarus stibiatus) is used against numerous inflammatory conditions as well as rheumatoid arthritis. 

Rheuma Hevert is intended to ease inflammation-related pain, relax the muscles, and restore your mobility.

Rheumatism symptoms such as:

  • joint pain
  • swollen joints
  • pain in muscles, bones, and connective tissue

The active ingredients

Gnaphalium polycephalum
Ledum palustre
Nux vomica
Spiraea ulmaria
Tartarus stibiatus



Pack sizes

PZN 00634710

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