Pulmo Hevert Bronchialcomplex Tropfen
Naturopathic medicine for inflammations of the respiratory tract with coughing
Difficulty breathing, dry cough?
Breathe deeply again with Pulmo Hevert Bronchialcomplex Tropfen
Inflammation of the respiratory tract is often characterized by spasmodic coughing or a relentless urge to cough. Left untreated, this dry cough usually progresses to a cough with mucusy sputum, the bronchi become constricted, and patients have difficulty breathing with dyspnea. Patients who treat this type of bronchitis early and rigorously are able to breathe deeply again, while preventing the inflammation from spreading or becoming chronic.
Pulmo Hevert Bronchialcomplex Tropfen are intended to relieve a nagging urge to cough, and stem excessive mucus production. The bronchi are relaxed and productive coughing is made easier. When you have a cough, it is important to drink at least two liters of liquid per day to ensure sufficient moisture absorption and liquefaction of the mucous membranes.
The combination of seven naturopathic active substances, which have been carefully selected so they complement one another, is intended to provide reliable, natural relief for inflammations of the respiratory tract and the associated symptoms.
Belladonna, Cuprum metallicum (copper), and Ammi visnaga (bishop’s weed) are used to relieve spasms in the bronchi, respiratory tract, and bronchial muscles, thus helping to ease asthma-like symptoms. Lobelia is used to ease a nagging, spasmodic, tickly urge to cough and expand the respiratory tract. Grindelia robusta (gumweed) is thought to help ease the sense of discomfort and tightness in the chest, especially when lying down. Corallium rubrum (coral) is used to normalize mucus production in cases of respiratory infections and dry mucous membranes, and help against coughing fits. Sticta (lung lichen) is regarded as particularly helpful in the treatment of chronic respiratory infections and as having a positive effect on secondary infections of the paranasal sinuses.
Pulmo Hevert Bronchialcomplex Tropfen are intended to help with acute and chronic inflammations of the respiratory tract, relieve coughing and break up stubborn mucus.
Especially suitable for:
- inflammations of the respiratory tract
- spasmodic or dry cough
- bronchitis with mucus
- hoarseness
- chronic asthma (supportive)
The active ingredients
Ammi visnaga
Corallium rubrum
Cuprum metallicum
Grindelia robusta
Lobelia inflata
Sticta pulmonaria
Pack sizes
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Founded in 1956 by Dorothea and Emil Hevert, Hevert-Arzneimittel is an independent family-run company. After being led by Dr. Wolfgang Hevert, the company is being run today by Marcus and Mathias Hevert, the third generation to do so.
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