NeuroBalance Hevert
Biotin and magnesium contribute to normal mental function and the normal function of the nervous system.
The natural way to achieve mental balance [“natural” in cursive script]
NeuroBalance Hevert is intended to boost the nerves and psyche in stressful everyday situations
Human beings constantly face challenges and changes at work and in their personal lives. Striking a balance between work and family is important to many people. However, the fast pace of life and constant availability in an increasingly digital world lead to stress and tension. There is a strong desire to manage stress, thus restoring inner balance.
Dealing with daily challenges in a healthy and natural way is called the stress-coping mechanism or stress resilience. Resilience describes the ability of body, mind, and spirit to withstand the challenges of daily life, even in stressful phases. This inner strength must be maintained – for greater tranquility and inner balance.
NeuroBalance Hevert, a vegan dietary supplement, contains the minerals magnesium, selenium, and zinc as well as the B vitamin biotin. Biotin and magnesium contribute to normal mental function and the normal function of the nervous system. Selenium and zinc help to protect cells against oxidative stress. Just one capsule per day can boost natural stress resilience.
NeuroBalance Hevert for boosting natural stress resilience
- workers under enormous pressure to perform
- women in particular who have to juggle the double stress of family and a career
- people facing stressful situations or personal upheaval
The ingredients
Recommended use
Pack sizes
Copyright 2024 Hevert-Arzneimittel GmbH & Co. KG. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Das breite Sortiment von Hevert-Arzneimittel deckt nahezu alle naturheilkundlich relevanten Anwendungsbereiche ab. Der Fokus liegt auf den Bereichen Psyche/Schlaf, Erkältung & Vitamine.
Founded in 1956 by Dorothea and Emil Hevert, Hevert-Arzneimittel is an independent family-run company. After being led by Dr. Wolfgang Hevert, the company is being run today by Marcus and Mathias Hevert, the third generation to do so.
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Sarah Hevert und Mathias Hevert
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