Mato Hevert Erkältungstropfen
Naturopathic medicine for acute colds
Naturopathic medicine for acute colds
When we talk of a cold, we usually mean inflammation of the mucous membrane in the upper respiratory tract. Doctors call this a flu-like infection. In most cases it is caused by viruses that we take in from the environment. The combination of a runny nose, a cough, and hoarseness affects the well-being, but is usually harmless. It gets particularly annoying when fever, headache, pain in the limbs, and a sense of listlessness occur. Yet those who take action as soon as the first signs emerge, such as a sore throat or shivering, have a good chance of avoiding illness altogether, or at least making the cold shorter and less severe.
The harmonious interaction between the natural ingredients in Mato Hevert Erkältungstropfen is intended to support the body’s self-healing power. Sore throat, headache, and pain in the limbs are eased and the defensive function of the mucous membranes is stabilized. The severity and duration of the flu-like infection can be significantly reduced, and further spread of the infection in the body can often be avoided. When taken early, consistently and in sufficient quantity, Mato Hevert Erkältungstropfen is intended to have a reliable effect without stressing the body with chemical substances.
Aconitum, Belladonna, and China, active ingredients used against flu-like infections, are complemented by Ammonium bromatum and Mercurius cyanatus, which are particularly effective in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Bryonia is believed to help combat acute inflammation of the respiratory tract. Echinacea stimulates the body’s immune defenses. Rhus toxicodendron can help with cases of pain in the limbs with fatigue and dry, nagging coughs.
Mato Hevert Erkältungstropfen – the instant remedy for acute flu-like infections
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