Lymphaden Hevert Complex

Lymphaden Hevert Complex

Naturopathic medicine for chronic diseases with swollen lymph nodes

Strong lymph nodes, strong immune system

with Lymphaden Hevert Complex 

The lymphatic system is a crucial part of the immune system. It performs key tasks such as removing cell toxins and waste products, as well as transporting nutrients to the cells. It also provides defense against pathogens by means of special immune cells in the lymph nodes. Any disruption of the lymphatic system has far-reaching consequences. In the event of an infection, particularly chronic inflammation, the lymph nodes on the ear, in the throat, in the armpit, on the neck or elsewhere in the body can swell painfully. The lymph nodes become blocked, with swellings in the tissue and lymph nodes themselves. The detoxification function is impaired and the immune system is weakened. This often results in increased susceptibility to infections or a chronic progression of diseases such as bronchitis, sinusitis, and middle-ear infections. Therefore, detoxification treatments also focus on the lymphatic system as well as the liver and kidneys.

Lymphaden Hevert Complex is intended to stimulate the lymph flow. Waste products of metabolism can drain once more. The lymph blockage is rectified. The swellings recede. The body is detoxified, cells are adequately supplied with nutrients again, and the immune system is strengthened. Susceptibility to and duration of infections are reduced – a prerequisite for lasting health.
Lymphaden Hevert Complex is intended to aid detoxification of the lymphatic system and is therefore a key component of Hevert detox treatment. With Hepar Hevert Lebertropfen and Solidago Hevert Complex, the three-fold detox treatment is aimed at effective detoxification of the liver, lymph nodes, and kidneys.

The homeopathic active ingredients combined in Lymphaden Hevert Complex – in particular Conium (hemlock), clematis, and Scrophularia nodosa (figwort) – are intended to activate the lymphatic system, thus strengthening immune defense. When this happens, swellings visibly recede, and there is a positive effect on the inflammatory process. Lachesis (bushmaster) is used to strengthen the detoxification function of the lymphatic system, particularly in cases of severe infections and respiratory diseases, and promote healing, aiding detoxification of the body. Mercurius bi-iodatus (mineral salt) and Phytolacca (pokeweed) are used to improve the defensive function in the nose and throat area.

Lymphaden Hevert Complex – for detoxification of the body and boosting of the immune system

  • Stimulates the lymph flow
  • Helps to remove pathogens
  • Boosts the immune system

The active ingredients

Arsenicum album
Conium maculatum
Mercurius bijodatus
Phytolacca decandra
Rhus toxicodendron
Scrophularia nodosa



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