Libo Hevert Complex
Naturopathic medicine for sexual dysfunction and low libido
Naturopathic medicine for sexual dysfunction and low libido
Increasing numbers of people, even younger men and women, are complaining about sexual dysfunction in the form of low libido and erection problems. Most individuals suffering from such a condition are simply overburdened. Work- and family-related stress and the increasing demands of daily life become too much for them, both physically and mentally. No wonder that sexual desire can fall by the wayside, resulting in loss of libido and erectile dysfunction. With increasing age, illnesses such as diabetes or high blood pressure and factors like menopause or certain medication may also interfere with a fulfilling sex life. Fulfilled sexuality increases quality of life and self-confidence, and improves the body image. However, there is often a reluctance to discuss the topic with a doctor. Many people affected look for a naturally effective, prescription-free and well-tolerated medicine to treat sexual dysfunction.
With its aphrodisiac effect, Libo Hevert Complex is intended to help with erectile dysfunction and brings back sexual desire. The over-the-counter anti-impotence drug is suitable for both women and men. It is useful that taking the tablets is not dependent on the time when you have sex, for more spontaneity and mutual enjoyment in the love life. Libo Hevert Complex is a high-quality and safe naturopathic medicine approved in Germany that is available exclusively in pharmacies. There are no known side effects or interactions with other medications. It supports physical vitality, helping women and men to have a satisfying sex life again.
Libo Hevert Complex offers a unique combination of four naturopathic active ingredients that, when taken regularly, are intended to help with sexual dysfunction resulting from nervous disorders, while also being well tolerated. Unlike other preparations that contain only the active ingredient Damiana (Turnera diffusa), Libo Hevert Complex also contains Yohimbinum, Strychninum phosphoricum, and Acidum picrinicum. These four components supplement one another and offer a broader range of effects than an anti-impotence drug with only one active ingredient. With its stimulating effect, Strychninum phosphoricum vitalizes the body and mind, increasing receptiveness to sensory stimuli. Acidum picrinicum improves mood. Damiana is an ingredient seen in Mexican medicine and is used for impotence and female infertility. Yohimbinum is used to promote blood flow in the lesser pelvis, thereby supporting an erection and increasing sexual sensitivity. Libo Hevert Complex tablets are suitable for men and women. The aphrodisiac is well tolerated and available from pharmacies without a prescription.
Libo Hevert Complex – naturally strengthening the sexuality of men and women, for a fulfilling sex life
For men and women with
Other ingredients
Lactose, magnesium stearate.
Unless otherwise prescribed: in acute cases adults allow 1 tablet to dissolve in the mouth up to 6 times daily. In chronic cases allow 1 tablet to dissolve in the mouth 1-3 times daily.
The indications are derived from the homeopathic drug pictures. These include: sexual weakness in connection with nervous disorders.
Children and adolescents under 18 years of age.
As there is no sufficiently documented experience, the medicinal product should only be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding after consulting a doctor.
Not known.
Libo Hevert Complex The indications are derived from the homeopathic drug pictures. These include: sexual weakness in connection with nervous disorders. For risks and side effects, read the package leaflet and ask your doctor or in your pharmacy.
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