Kohle Hevert
Medicinal charcoal for diarrhea and poisoning caused by food, heavy metals, and drugs
Medicinal charcoal for diarrhea and poisoning caused by food, heavy metals, and drugs
Germs from bathing lakes in the summer, bowel infections in the winter – diarrhea is in season all year round. Acute diarrhea, which comes on suddenly and usually lasts for just a few days, is nearly always caused by an infection with viruses or bacteria and their toxins. It catches out around a third of the population at least once a year, often during spells abroad. The danger frequently lurks in poorly cleaned foodstuffs or dirty drinking water (food poisoning). However, diarrhea is not a disease. It is a natural defense mechanism of the body. Vacating the bowels frequently serves to rid the body of disease-causing substances. Yet there is a downside to frequent vacating, as we lose fluid as well as valuable salts and minerals.
Kohle Hevert Tabletten are vegan, and are intended to treat acute diarrhea and poisoning caused by foodstuffs, drugs, and heavy metals with no side effects. Because they are bound to the charcoal particles, the toxins can be excreted. The charcoal tablets are intended to boost the body’s natural defensive response. It is important to drink plenty of water in order to ensure optimum distribution of the charcoal in the bowels and make up for the loss of liquid in the event of diarrhea.
Overall, the charcoal particles have very large surface areas, meaning that bacterial toxins, organic substances, and the pathogens can become attached to each other and be excreted. The toxic substances in the bowels are also are adsorbed through the large surface of the medicinal charcoal in the event of poisoning.
Tip: Kohle Hevert Tabletten are ideally suited to medicine cabinets and first-aid kits.
Kohle Hevert – Natural instant remedy for diarrhea and food poisoning
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