Kava Hevert Entspannungstropfen

Kava Hevert Entspannungstropfen

Naturopathic medicine for states of agitation and nervous exhaustion

Strength and calm in times of psychological stress

Nervous agitation, fear, and restlessness are normal reactions to dramatic events. However, they can also reach an extent that almost paralyzes people and causes mental blocks. As a result, people can become practically unable to make decisions or behave freely and easily. Those affected struggle to concentrate on their work or other activities. Some cannot get to sleep, or develop a sense of powerlessness. If this condition persists for some time, it is called nervous exhaustion. Psychological stress can also manifest itself in the form of physical symptoms such as headache or stomach pain, sweating, and palpitations.

Kava Hevert Entspannungstropfen are intended to ensure calm and tranquility in times of psychological stress and thus improve physical symptoms. Breathing and heart rate return to normal, tension in the muscles subsides, and the stomach calms down again. Resilience and ability to concentrate are increased. This makes it easier to cope with psychological stress. Unlike chemical sedatives, Kava Hevert Entspannungstropfen are not potentially addictive.

Native to the South Pacific, kava, a plant in the pepper family with the botanical name Piper methysticum, has long been known in that region for its ability to boost mental well-being. In homeopathic preparations, kava is intended to have a calming, cramp-relieving effect, and build people back up after mental exhaustion.

Kava Hevert Entspannungstropfen – calm and tranquility in times of psychological stress

For people who feel overwhelmed or overstimulated, or suffer from nervous states of agitation or tension

The active ingredients




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