Hewethyreon Tabletten
Naturopathic medicine for thyroid diseases
Gentle regulation of the thyroid
With Hewethyreon Tabletten
The two hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxin (T4) are formed in the thyroid, from where they enter the bloodstream. In cases of overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism), the thyroid produces too much of the two hormones, and too little in cases of underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism). Thyroid dysfunction is often caused by a disorder of the control circuit between the thyroid and the pituitary, a gland in the brain that controls secretion of the thyroid hormones. The autoimmune disease Basedow’s disease is a common cause of overactive thyroid. Symptoms include bulging eyes, palpitations, restlessness and nervousness, increased sweating, weight loss despite hunger pangs, weakness, hair loss, increased stool frequency, and trembling hands. In addition, people with hyperthyroidism are often irritable, anxious or on edge, and suffer from sleep disorders. Thyroid dysfunction is more common is women and older people.
Hewethyreon Tabletten are intended to restore the balance in the hormonal control circuit between the pituitary and the thyroid and to ease symptoms caused by hyperthyroidism, such as restlessness, irritability, and palpitations. Hewethyreon Tabletten have demonstrated a high level of tolerability. They can be taken for a lengthier period if necessary. Chemical thyroid inhibitors can cause the thyroid to become underactive. This negative effect does not occur with Hewethyreon Tabletten. Under medical supervision, they can also be taken in addition to chemical thyroid medications.
The six naturopathic active ingredients in Hewethyreon Tabletten are used to ensure gentle regulation of the thyroid in cases of hyperthyroidism. Spongia (sea sponge) is used to influence the control circuit of the thyroid hormones by virtue of its iodine content. Hedera helix (ivy) is used to treat hyperthyroidism and goiters (struma). Iodum (iodine) helps in cases of accelerated metabolism as well as restlessness and strong urge to move. Leonurus cardiaca (motherwort) suppresses cardiac rhythm disturbances such as tachycardia. Lycopus virginicus (bugleweed) also eases heart symptoms caused by hyperthyroidism. Thyreoidinum suis (thyroid) is used to treat overactive and underactive thyroid as well as goiters.
Hewethyreon Tabletten relieve hyperthyroidism and its accompanying symptoms.
- Hyperthyroidism
The active ingredients
Hedera helix
Lycopus virginicus
Spongia marina
Pack sizes
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