Heweneural 1%

Heweneural 1%

Local anesthetic for neural therapy

Neural therapy

with Heweneural 1%

Neural therapy consists of segmental therapy and interference field therapy. Segmental therapy is based on the assumption that the internal organs correspond to specific segments of the skin (dermatomes) and are connected with them via nerves (Head’s zones). The attending doctor or natural practitioner injects a local anesthetic (e.g. procaine or lidocaine) into the skin and reaches the corresponding organ via the nerve. This frequently gives rise to small protrusions known as wheals. That is why neural therapy is often also referred to as wheal therapy. The aim of neural therapy is to attain an effect in the affected segment via the autonomic nervous system.
In interference field therapy, “interference fields” triggered by chronic inflammations are treated. Interference fields are believed to weaken the entire body and can cause symptoms in other areas of the body. The most common interference fields can be found in the tonsils, the sinuses, the tooth/jaw region, the thyroid, and in scars, although any site in the body can actually become an interference field. Treatment with Hewedolor Procain 2% should be carried out by a natural practitioner or doctor with experience in neural therapy.

Heweneural 1% contains lidocaine and is a local anesthetic for neural therapy.

The active ingredients




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