Hevertotox Erkältungstropfen
Naturopathic medicine for boosting the body’s defenses when you’re suffering from flu-like infections
Naturopathic medicine for boosting the body’s defenses when you’re suffering from flu-like infections
Do you feel a cold coming on? Cold feet, sore throat, constantly runny nose, and fatigue spread easily. These typical symptoms often arise during the cold season. This is usually because of a flu-like infection (better known as a cold) that is not always preventable. The body’s defenses should be boosted to counter this infection quickly and stop it from getting worse.
Hevertotox Erkältungstropfen are intended to stimulate the body’s defenses, ease inflammatory pain, relieve spasms during coughing fits, and alleviate general fatigue.
The purpose of Hevertotox Erkältungstropfen is to reduce susceptibility to infection by boosting the body’s defenses. The well-tolerated naturopathic active ingredients are intended to have an extensive resistance-boosting action and give you natural help when suffering from a cold and its accompanying symptoms. The cold remedy combines seven active ingredients in one drug: Baptisia (wild indigo), Bryonia (bryony), Echinacea (coneflower), Kalium chloratum, Lachesis (bushmaster), Silicea (silica), Thuja (tree of life). The cold drops should be taken when cold symptoms first appear. Hevertotox Erkältungstropfen may be particularly helpful in times of increased contagiousness or susceptibility to infection. They can also be taken to complement antibiotic treatment.
Hevertotox Erkältungstropfen are intended to boost the body’s defenses when flu-like infections and their accompanying symptoms arise.
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