Gelsemium comp. Hevert injekt

Gelsemium comp. Hevert injekt

Naturopathic medicine for treating neuralgia

For pain from the lumbar spine to the tip of the toes

Gelsemium comp. Hevert injekt

Neuralgia is the clinical term for nerve pain. Neuropathy generally refers to diseases of the peripheral nervous system. Nerve pain typically occurs suddenly and recurs periodically. It is intense and short-lived. Gently touching the site of the pain often makes it worse. Painful nerve disorders can occur in different parts of the body, e.g. after flu-like infections, shingles (herpes zoster), and metabolic disorders such as diabetes and gout, as well as due to alcohol and nicotine misuse. Scars can also cause intensely painful nerve irritation.

Gelsemium comp. Hevert Injekt is intended to help to ease nerve pain in the areas of the trigeminal nerve (face) and the sciatic nerve (in the area of the lumbar spine down to the tip of the toes)
and reduce elevated sensitivity to pain and pressure. If you suffer from nerve-related pain in your legs, feel a pain in the sole of your foot or have nerve pain in your face, Gelsemium comp. Hevert Injekt can help with the power of nature. For instance, the naturopathic ingredients of Gelsemium comp. Hevert Injekt are intended to relieve pain that stems from the sciatic nerve or is caused by shingles (herpes zoster).

Use should be supervised by a doctor or a natural practitioner.

The well-tolerated naturopathic active ingredients in Gelsemium comp. Hevert Injekt include monkshood (Aconitum), Indian cockle (Cocculus), Colocynthis (colocynth), Rhus toxicodendron (poison ivy), and Gelsemium (wild jasmine). The combination of ingredients was selected specifically for the treatment of nerve pain. 

Naturopathic treatment of nerve pain with Gelsemium comp. Hevert injekt

  • For nerve pain
  • Particularly in the face
  • For nerve pain in the legs
  • For nerve pain in the feet
  • For pain caused by shingles

The active ingredients

Aconitum napellus
Gelsemium sempervirens
Nux vomica
Plumbum aceticum
Rhus toxicodendron



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