Gastritis Hevert Complex

Gastritis Hevert Complex

Naturopathic medicine for acid-related stomach complaints

Keep your stomach acid in check

with Gastritis Hevert Complex

Your esophagus burns and hurts as the delicious meal you just ate causes you to burp acid. Heartburn, also known as acid reflux, has now become a widespread ailment. The chyme mixed with stomach acid returns to the esophagus due to various influencing factors such as pregnancy, overweight, excessively rich food or clothing that is too tight. In addition, over 5% of the population frequently suffer from symptoms such as stomach pain, nausea and discomfort, or pain behind the sternum. In many cases, the medical diagnosis is gastritis, an inflammation of the stomach lining. Typical symptoms include bloating, pain and cramps in the upper abdomen, loss of appetite, heartburn (reflux), nausea or even bleeding of the lining of the stomach with dark-colored stools. There are various causes, all attributable to hyperacidity of the stomach. They range from high alcohol and nicotine consumption, poor nutrition and unrelenting stress to an infection with the Helicobacter pylori bacterium.

Gastritis Hevert Complex are well tolerated, highly effective stomach tablets. They are intended to regulate excess stomach acid, thus fighting heartburn (reflux). The purpose of the remedy is to soothe an irritated, inflamed stomach lining and restore the lining’s protective function, fighting inflammation, as well to to ease symptoms of gastritis, such as stomach pain, and relieve stomach cramps.

The Gastritis Hevert Complex stomach tablets contain medicinal plants complemented by minerals with specific effects in order to treat gastritis. Abies nigra (black spruce) has a primarily anti-inflammatory action and supports the cleansing effect of Carbo vegetabilis (vegetable charcoal). In addition to its neutralizing properties that protect mucous membranes, magnesium carbonate relieves cramps in the stomach and intestine, an effect enhanced by belladonna (deadly nightshade). Belladonna is known as a homeopathic remedy intended to relieve cramps, with a beneficial impact on the entire upper digestive tract. Hepar sulphuris is a product that has a favorable effect on inflamed mucous membranes.

Gastritis Hevert Complex – the naturally acting remedy of choice when stomach acid causes problems.

The active ingredients

Abies nigra
Antimonium crudum
Bismutum subnitricum
Carbo vegetabilis
Hepar sulfuris
Magnesium carbonicum



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