Digesto Hevert Verdauungstropfen
Herbal medicine for gastrointestinal complaints
Herbal medicine for gastrointestinal complaints
We’re all familiar with gastrointestinal problems. Stomach cramps, nausea, belching, bloating, flatulence (meteorism), constipation, and diarrhea often impair quality of life significantly. Fatty foods, food intolerances (including during traveling), and stress often affect the stomach. With certain foods, flatulence comes with the territory – and no one expects to feel “light as a feather” after eating greasy roast meats. However, if you suffer from digestive complaints frequently and for no apparent reason, this can be an indication that the pancreas is not functioning properly. The symptoms are present even if no diagnosable disease is able to be identified based on a medical examination. With its effective herbal active ingredients, Digesto Hevert Verdauungstropfen can be used as a remedy for gastrointestinal complaints.
Digesto Hevert Verdauungstropfen are intended to regulate the interaction between the stomach, small intestine, liver, and gallbladder and strengthen the digestive function of the pancreas as well as to reduce your tendency to experience flatulence (meteorism). Activating the metabolism means that food is better utilized and digestion, particularly fat digestion, is stimulated. In addition, the herbal medicine regulates the intestinal environment so that the intestinal bacteria that are important and beneficial to the intestinal flora can settle more effectively again. Digesto Hevert Verdauungstropfen can also be used in acute cases if the gastrointestinal complaints occur only occasionally, e.g. when you eat certain foods. However, Digesto Hevert Verdauungstropfen can also be taken for a lengthier period in cases of chronic disorders of the digestive system.
Tip: no medicine cabinet or first-aid kit is complete without Digesto Hevert Verdauungstropfen, a gastrointestinal remedy.
The four herbal ingredients of Digesto Hevert Verdauungstropfen relieve complaints arising from poor digestion – naturally. Eichhornia (water hyacinth) supports the function of the pancreas in particular. Okoubaka (a West African jungle tree) improves the tolerability of foods and helps in cases of vomiting and diarrhea. Quassia amara (bitterwood) is a very commonly used remedy for hepatobiliary system disorders. Taraxacum (dandelion) is used to stimulate bile production and activate the excretory metabolism of the liver and kidneys. Make stodgy foods easy to digest with Digesto Hevert Verdauungstropfen.
Digesto Hevert Verdauungstropfen are intended to eliminate flatulence, bloating and digestive problems in a natural way
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