Cysto Hevert

Cysto Hevert

Herbal medicine for bladder and urinary tract infections

Burning sensation in the bladder – natural remedy for bladder and urinary tract infections

with Cysto Hevert

Bladder and urinary tract infections are caused primarily by pathogens (bacteria, viruses, and fungi). Because of their markedly shorter urethras, which facilitate ascending infections, women are more frequently affected than men. Mental stress is another common cause of bladder infections, since it weakens the immune system. If treatment is inadequate or started too late, this may result in chronic inflammation or irritation of the bladder (frequent urge to urinate).
Middle-aged men often suffer from a benign enlargement of the prostate (prostatic hypertrophy). While many men remain symptom-free, others experience increasing narrowing of the urethra. As the disease progresses, the bladder ceases to void completely. This remaining urine facilitates bladder infections.

Cysto Hevert is intended to help the body to overcome the bladder or urinary tract infection. The herbal medicine has a diuretic effect, flushing pathogens from the body. At the same time, it fights the inflammation of the bladder and urinary tract, and the burning pain associated with voiding of the bladder. The bladder muscles are relaxed, and spasmodic pain subsides. Cysto Hevert can also be used to support any necessary antibiotic treatment, in order to improve the outcome of the treatment or shorten its duration. Cysto Hevert is available from pharmacies without prescription.

Cysto contains seven mother tinctures, all of which are used for disorders of the bladder and urinary tract. Solidago virgaurea (European goldenrod) has long been valued in folk medicine for its diuretic effect. It relieves cramps and relaxes the bladder muscles, thus easing the urge to urinate. Buchu is native to South Africa, and helps with bladder and urinary tract infections. Equisetum arvense (field horsetail) has a flushing and washing effect. Petroselinum (parsley) has a relaxing and draining action. Populus tremuloides (aspen) helps with benign enlargement of the prostate and bladder problems, especially in older patients. Sabal serrulatum (saw palmetto) particularly rectifies bladder voiding dysfunction caused by benign prostate enlargement, and also has anti-inflammatory effect. Urtica (stinging nettle) drains and eases the symptoms of irritable bladder.

Cysto Hevert is intended to help overcome urinary tract infections quickly, fight the infection, and promote urinary flow.

  • Bladder infections
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Irritable bladder
  • Bladder voiding dysfunction

The active ingredients

Equisetum arvense
Petroselinum crispum
Populus tremuloides
Sabal serrulatum
Solidago virgaurea
Urtica urens



Pack sizes

PZN 02397421

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