Curcumin Hevert Protect

Curcumin Hevert Protect

with turmeric extract, broccoli sprout extract, ginger extract, coenzyme Q10, and vitamin C.

Natural protection from the inside

with Curcumin Hevert Protect

Stamina and resilience day after day
 We rely on our immune defenses. But physical exertion, everyday stress, and worry can deplete our strength and energy. If our “batteries” are empty, this takes its toll on our immune system. This means that viruses, bacteria, and fungi can easily bypass our defense mechanisms and spread throughout the body. Our immune cells fight against pathogens with free radicals, among other things. This results in oxidative stress, i.e. free radicals and antioxidants are no longer in balance. A strong and resilient immune system requires a sufficient supply of effective radical inceptors, including vitamins, coenzymes, and numerous phytochemicals.

Curcumin Hevert Protect – natural protection from the inside 
 The innovative five-fold combination in Curcumin Hevert Protect supports the immune system with vitamin C and helps to protect cells against oxidative stress. Curcumin Hevert Protect combines valuable plant extracts with a high antioxidative potential taken from turmeric, ginger, and broccoli sprouts with coenzyme Q10 and vitamin C. The high bioavailability and bioactivity of the ingredients means that just one capsule of Curcumin Hevert Protect a day activates your natural protective shield. Curcumin Hevert Protect can be taken regularly – including outside the cold and flu season. In addition, the turmeric capsules are vegan, lactose-free, and gluten-free.

Antioxidative power of turmeric, ginger, etc.
 Turmeric, also known as yellowroot, has been used as a curry flavoring and ingredient for centuries. Traditional Asian medicine also recognizes the healing effect of the turmeric root. It is used to support liver and gallbladder function and to treat digestive disorders, as well as to ease flatulence or bloating. Some of the most important ingredients of the turmeric root are the curcuminoids, of which the orange-yellow coloring curcumin makes up the largest proportion. Curcumin is said to have antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger is closely related to turmeric and is also a traditional spice and remedy with antioxidative properties. Broccoli sprout extract, and in particular the mustard oil sulforaphane it contains, is a strong antioxidant with immunomodulatory properties. Coenzyme Q10 is heavily involved in energy metabolism in the mitochondria. Vitamin C contributes to the normal function of the immune system and to the protection of the cells against oxidative stress.

Curcumin Hevert Protect contributes with vitamin C to the normal function of the immune system and to the protection of the cells against oxidative stress..


  • people with frequent colds
  • people who come into contact with many people
  • workers under enormous pressure to perform

The ingredients

Curcuma longa
Brassica oleracea
Zingiber officinale
Coenzym Q10

Recommended use


Pack sizes

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