Contrallergia Hevert Heuschnupfentabletten
Naturopathic medicine for runny nose caused by allergies such as hay fever
Naturopathic medicine for runny nose caused by allergies such as hay fever
Your nose is running, and your eyes are burning and itching – allergic rhinitis can really interfere with your plans for the day. It is most commonly triggered by pollen. The body’s overreaction to these airborne allergens, referred to as hay fever, spoils the most enjoyable season of the year for millions of people. Those who have allergic reactions to pet hair, household dust, and mold spores suffer perhaps not quite as frequently but just as severely.
As a naturopathic medicine, Contrallergia Hevert Heuschnupfentabletten can boost your self-healing power and soothe itchiness, burning eyes, and runny nose. They are intended to reduce the body’s overreaction to pollen, dust mites, animal hair and other allergens without making you tired, which is especially important when driving. Allergy sufferers who take Contrallergia Hevert Heuschnupfentabletten before the start of the pollen season may notice steady improvement in the symptoms of a pollen allergy over a period of years. Contrallergia Hevert Heuschnupfentabletten can be used as a naturopathic remedy to supplement antihistamines.
The natural active ingredients in Contrallergia Hevert Heuschnupfentabletten help to overcome allergies such as hay fever. Clinical studies have shown evidence of this for Galphimia glauca (golden thryallis). Thanks to apis (honeybee), the medicinal product is especially effective in treating acute allergy symptoms. It works as a decongestant and soothes itching. Kalum bichromicum reduces inflammation of the respiratory tract, while Marum verum (cat thyme) supports restoration of healthy mucous membranes. Verbascum (mullein) calms the respiratory tract irritated by allergies.
Contrallergia Hevert Heuschnupfentabletten are a natural remedy for allergy-related runny nose
For runny nose due to allergies such as
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