Calmvalera injekt
Naturopathic medicine for nervous disorders
Naturopathic medicine for nervous disorders
These days, many people suffer from constant double stress, juggling a wide range of demands in a fast-paced working environment with various day-to-day roles while trying to meet their own high expectations in terms of success and resilience. Sometimes, everything just mounts up and the stress gets overwhelming. Typical stress symptoms include restlessness, nervous disorders, and sleep disorders. It is important to step away from the acutely stressful situation and get back to rest and relaxation.
Through the harmonious interaction of naturopathic ingredients, Calmvalera injekt is intended to calm and alleviate stressful everyday situations. The purpose of Calmvalera injekt is to reduce sleep disorders and calm nervous disorders. The ampules can also be used alongside chemical preparations. Application should be carried out by a doctor or a natural practitioner. There are no addictive effects or withdrawal symptoms. Unlike many chemical psychotropic drugs, Calmvalera injekt does not cause drowsiness, and is therefore suitable for drivers, for instance.
Calmvalera injekt ampules can also be used as drinkable ampules. For oral long-term therapy, Calmvalera is also available without prescription from pharmacies as drops or tablets.
Along with its spasmolytic properties, the medicinal plant Cimicifuga, also known as black cohosh, is a particularly effective remedy for nervous states of excitement and depression. This also makes it helpful for menopause symptoms. Cypripedium pubescens (lady’s slipper) rectifies nervous sleeplessness as well as sleep disorders caused by mental strain. Ignatia (St. Ignatius bean) is native to the Philippines. Its action is entirely focused on the nervous system, with the plant being used primarily to treat severe mood swings.
Passiflora incarnata (passion flower) has a fully calming and balancing effect, and rectifies sleeplessness and overexcitement as well as cramps with various causes. The calming effect of valerian (Valeriana) has been known for a long time. This is why it is used for various nervous disorders. It is also believed to be effective in homeopathic dosage, with the plant particularly being used for hypersensitivity, pronounced mood swings, and sleeplessness. Zincum valerianicum helps with organic diseases of the nerves themselves, known as neuralgias, and also has a positive effect on nervous sleep disorders.
Calmvalera. Well-being by day and at night.
Especially suitable for
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