Calmvalera Globuli

Calmvalera Globuli

Naturopathic medicine for overstimulation and nervousness

Calms your child in the daytime and ensures a good night's sleep

- Calmvalera Globuli by Hevert

No matter how well cared for and safe our children feel, increasing stimuli from the outside world or from the home environment have an effect on our children from which they cannot be shielded over the long term. Babies and toddlers in particular react very sensitively to these stimuli and become agitated, act tense and nervous or are just plain fretful.
They don’t want to sleep or wake up repeatedly. And when children don’t sleep well, the next day they are even more overstimulated, nervous and “hyped up.” During the day, school-aged children are in a bad mood, have a hard time concentrating, and react sensitively. It is important to let children have a good balance between activity and relaxation. 

Calmvalera Globuli are used as a naturopathic medicine. Their well-tolerated active ingredients (Avena sativa, Nux vomica, and Zincum isovalerianicum) are intended to provide reliable natural relief from overstimulation and restlessness during the day and help promote calm, restful sleep at night. You just let the pellets (globules) dissolve in your mouth. Calmvalera Globuli are already approved for babies aged 6 months and over (and are also suitable for children). The globules are vegan, lactose-free, and gluten-free.

Calmvalera Globuli contain a combination of three carefully selected naturopathic active ingredients that are intended to work effectively and in a natural way. Their purpose is to restore balance to the child’s autonomic nervous system, which regulates all involuntary life processes, including the sleep-wake cycle. The globules are intended to help the child to calm down in the daytime and therefore to sleep better at night, for the well-being of parents and child.

Restless, overstimulated, not slept well? – Your child will calm down with Calmvalera Globuli.

For babies aged 6 months and over and children.

  • Overstimulation and nervousness in the daytime
  • Sleeping badly at night

The active ingredients

Avena sativa
Nux vomica
Zincum valerianicum



Pack sizes

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