Bomaklim Hevert

Bomaklim Hevert

Naturopathic medicine for menopausal problems

Hot flushes? Mood swings?

Bomaklim Hevert is a totally natural remedy that will see you safely through the menopause.

The menopause is a natural stage of life for women. As in puberty, the body also undergoes hormonal changes during the menopause. Production of the female hormones in the ovaries (estrogen and progesterone) is steadily reduced; monthly menstruation becomes more irregular and ultimately stops (menopause).
 The hormonal adaptation process during the menopause can cause physical and psychological symptoms, due mainly to the decrease in estrogen levels.
 Typical accompanying symptoms of the menopause are:

  • Hot flushes, sweating, shivering
  • Mood swings
  • Depressive moods
  • Restlessness, irritability
  • Sleep disorders
  • Difficulties finding the right words
  • Palpitations
  • Blood-pressure fluctuations

Bomaklim Hevert is intended to support the hormonal adaptation process, have a regulating effect on the delicate balance of the hormones, and relieve unpleasant accompanying symptoms of the menopause. 

The naturopathic active ingredients in Bomaklim Hevert – Agnus castus (chaste tree, monk’s pepper), Cimicifuga (black cohosh, black snakeroot), Lilium tigrinum (tiger lily), Platinum metallicum (platinum) – have a complementary effect on the hormonal balance. Taking Bomaklim Hevert can help to achieve a lasting increase in well-being and quality of life during the menopause. Bomaklim Hevert drops are particularly suitable for women who refuse hormone therapy or cannot undergo hormone treatment for medical reasons. The naturopathic medicine can also be used to support hormone therapy.

Bomaklim Hevert – the gentle remedy for menopause symptoms.

  • In the menopause
  • The hormone-free alternative
  • Naturally effective
  • For menopause symptoms

The active ingredients

Agnus castus
Lilium tigrinum
Platinum metallicum



Pack sizes

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