Bomacorin 450 mg Weißdorntabletten

Bomacorin 450 mg Weißdorntabletten

High-dose hawthorn extract for to help with decreasing heart function

For a healthy heart, use the healing power of hawthorn.

With Bomacorin 450 mg Weißdorntabletten by Hevert

General heart failure is common in older people due to a decrease in blood flow to the heart muscle and coronary arteries. The heart is then no longer able to supply enough blood to the body. Every step becomes a challenge, and even routine activities such as long walks lead to breathlessness, palpitations, and exhaustion. However, heart function can also be restricted in younger people; for instance, if the coronary arteries are constricted due to deposits. The natural healing power of hawthorn (Crataegus) can help in a preventive and acute way here. 

Bomacorin 450 mg Weißdorntabletten are intended to promote healthy function of the heart and rectify mild forms of heart failure. The heart muscles are strengthened, thus increasing general stamina. At the same time, the high-dose hawthorn extract has a regulating effect on cardiac rhythm. Taking the hawthorn tablets regularly can improve the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the heart, boosting its function and preventing further progression of heart failure. 

Hawthorn (Crataegus) is one of the most important medicinal plants for heart diseases. The heart-boosting power of the medically active ingredients, flavonoids and procyanidins, is released gently and naturally in Bomacorin 450 mg Weißdorntabletten. At a high dosage as in Bomacorin 450 mg Weißdorntabletten, hawthorn plant extract is also well tolerated in long-term therapy. In the case of heart symptoms, the heart-boosting medication Bomacorin 450 mg Weißdorntabletten can therefore also be used preventively to strengthen and maintain cardiac function.

Bomacorin 450 mg Weißdorntabletten – for a healthy heart into old age

– For a healthy heart
– Herbal medicines
– For heart failure
– To boost cardiac function

The active ingredients




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