Agnus Hevert femin

Agnus Hevert femin

Naturopathic medicine for menstrual disorders 

Menstrual problems? Period pain?

The gentle remedy for a regular cycle: Agnus Hevert femin.

As well as causing physical symptoms during menstruation, hormonal fluctuations often affect mood as well. Irritability, nervousness, and despondency are typical, regularly recurring accompanying symptoms.

Symptoms of menstrual disorders include:

  • Build-up of fluid in the body
  • Tiredness, fatigue, exhaustion symptoms
  • Gastrointestinal complaints
  • Cramps in the abdomen, abdominal pain
  • Headache and back pain
  • Hunger pangs or loss of appetite
  • Painful ache in the breasts/extreme sensitivity to touch – known as mastalgia
  • Increased sensitivity to stimuli (light, touch, sound, smell, time and work pressure)
  • Migraine
  • Mood swings
  • Listlessness or hyperactivity
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability or aggressiveness

Agnus Hevert femin is intended to restore the disrupted hormonal balance, alleviate the accompanying symptoms of menstrual problems, and help with period pain.

The naturopathic ingredients of Agnus Hevert femin Agnus castus (chaste tree, monk’s pepper), Cimicifuga (black cohosh, black snakeroot), Pulsatilla (pasqueflower), and Zincum valerianicum are combined in a way that is intended to help them complement each other and also influence hormonal change and have a positive effect on the psyche.
This is a gentle therapy with an effect that gradually builds up. Taking Agnus Hevert femin (over at least three menstrual cycles) can help to enhance quality of life in the long term and improve daily activity at work and in recreation. The naturopathic medicine is a hormone-free alternative for alleviating menstrual disorders and their accompanying psychological symptoms.

Agnus Hevert femin – the gentle remedy for period pain and menstrual problems

  • For period pain
  • For menstrual problems
  • The hormone-free alternative
  • For a regular cycle

Find out more about Agnus castus (monk’s pepper) and its intended effect on menstrual problems here:

This article explains how magnesium and vitamin B6 can help with period pain: 

The active ingredients

Agnus castus
Pulsatilla pratensis
Zincum valerianicum



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