Calmvalera Hevert Tablets

Naturopathic medicine for nervous sleep disorders and restlessness as well as depressive moods

To make you calm again. Well-being by day and at night.

with Calmvalera Hevert Tablets

These days, many people suffer from constant stress, juggling a wide range of demands in a fast-paced working environment with various day-to-day roles while trying to meet their own high expectations in terms of success and resilience. Sometimes, everything just mounts up and the stress gets overwhelming. Typical stress symptoms include restlessness, nervousness, and sleep disorders. Those affected also complain of mood swings, irritability, and depressive moods. It is important to step away from the acutely stressful situation and find rest and relaxation again. 

Calmvalera Hevert Tablets provide a wide spectrum of efficacy treating various stress symptoms, with the naturopathic medicine offering a sense of relaxation and tranquility, and releasing you from nervous restlessness, sleep disorders, and depressive moods. It helps to calm down in the daytime and to enjoy relaxing sleep at night. Thus your body will be able to recover its natural strength and energy. Your mind will be boosted, and you will be able to enjoy an active lifestyle again. Calmvalera Hevert Tablets aim to ensure that you stay fit and don’t feel tired in the daytime, maintaining your concentration. Calmvalera Hevert Tablets can also be used for nervous menopause symptoms and can be combined with chemical medications.

Calmvalera Hevert Tablets contain a combination of nine carefully selected naturopathic active ingredients (tiger lily, lady’s slipper, black cohosh, etc.) that work in a natural way. The proven medicinal product is well tolerated and is also suitable for long-term use. It has no addictive effects, even when used for longer periods. Calmvalera Hevert Tablets do not cause tiredness or drowsiness and are therefore suitable for drivers and people who need to be able to concentrate for work at all times. 

Calmvalera Hevert Tablets. Well-being by day and at night.

Especially suitable for

  • people under intense pressure at work
  • women with double work burden
  • women during menopause
  • students feeling exam stress
  • people in mourning

The active ingredients

Black cohosh
Kein Wirkstoffbild
Cypripedium pubescens
Kein Wirkstoffbild
Ignatia amara
Lilium tigrinum
Passiflora incarnata
Kein Wirkstoffbild
Platinum metallicum
Valeriana officinalis
Kein Wirkstoffbild
Valerianate of Zinc
Zincum valerianicum


1 tablet contains:
  • Cimicifuga D3 20 mg
  • Cocculus D4 20 mg
  • Cypripedium pubescens D4 10 mg
  • Ignatia D6 40 mg
  • Lilium tigrinum D6 20 mg
  • Passiflora incarnata D3 40 mg
  • Platinum metallicum D8 20 mg
  • Valeriana D2 20 mg
  • Zincum valerianicum D3 20 mg

Other ingredients

Lactose, magnesium stearate, corn starch.


Adults and adolescents aged 12 years and older:
2 tablets 3 times per day. In acute conditions: 2 tablets up to 6 times per day.

Children 6 to under 12 years of age: 1 tablet up to 6 times per day.

For best results let tablet melt in mouth.

Usage infos


The indications are derived from the homeopathic remedy profiles. These include: nervous disorders such as sleep disorders, restlessness and depressive mood states.



Hypersensitive to lady’s slipper orchids.

This medicine is not intended for use in children under 6 years of age.

Before you take any medicine during pregnancy and breast feeding, seek advice from your doctor or pharmacist. Caution is basically advised when taking it during pregnancy.

Adverse effects

Hypersensitivity reactions, e.g. skin reactions, and gastrointestinal complaints, e.g. nausea, may occur.

Mandatory information

Calmvalera Hevert Tablets  The indications are derived from the homeopathic remedy profiles. These include: nervous disorders such as sleep disorders, restlessness and depressive mood states. For risks and side effects, read the package leaflet and ask your doctor or in your pharmacy.

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