Vitamin K2 Hevert 100 µg
Vitamin K helps with normal blood clotting and maintaining healthy bones
Preserve normal blood clotting and bone density
with Vitamin K2 Hevert 100 µg
The term “vitamin K” actually refers to a group that contains several very chemically similar substances. The form used today in most dietary supplements and also in this Hevert preparation is vitamin K2 (menaquinone or MK-7). This form of the vitamin has the advantage of good distribution in the body and a particularly long-lasting effect.
Vitamin K plays an important role in many bodily functions, and research is still ongoing. It has long been known that vitamin K is necessary for the activation of coagulation factors and thus plays its part in the complex process of blood coagulation. The significance of the vitamin for the health of the blood vessels, which are often damaged by arteriosclerosis with increasing age, is still under investigation.
A further main task of vitamin K is the regulation of the calcium balance. It is primarily involved in the formation of osteocalcin, an endogenous chemical messenger that plays an important role in bone formation. In this way, vitamin K has a significant influence on the density and stability of the bones. Vitamin K can be absorbed through food. Good sources of vitamin K (vitamin K1 and K2) include green vegetables and vegetable oils as well as animal-based foods such as meat, cheese, quark (curd cheese), poultry, and eggs.
Taking Vitamin K2 Hevert 100 µg regularly can contribute to normal blood clotting, preservation of normal bone density, and strengthening of the bones. Taking vitamin K preparations is particularly advised for older people, menopausal and post-menopausal women, people with risks to the cardiovascular system, and people with risks to bone health and stability.
Vitamin K2 Hevert 100 µg – for normal bones and blood clotting.
Taking vitamin K is particularly advisable for people who may have an insufficient supply or increased need of it. These include:
- older people
- menopausal and post-menopausal women
- people with risks to bone health and stability
- people with risks to the cardiovascular system
The ingredients
Recommended use
Pack sizes
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Das breite Sortiment von Hevert-Arzneimittel deckt nahezu alle naturheilkundlich relevanten Anwendungsbereiche ab. Der Fokus liegt auf den Bereichen Psyche/Schlaf, Erkältung & Vitamine.
Founded in 1956 by Dorothea and Emil Hevert, Hevert-Arzneimittel is an independent family-run company. After being led by Dr. Wolfgang Hevert, the company is being run today by Marcus and Mathias Hevert, the third generation to do so.
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