Vitamin D3 K2 Hevert plus Calcium und Magnesium 4000 IE
Four-fold osteo formula for healthy bones and muscles
Four-fold osteo formula for healthy bones and muscles
Four-fold osteo formula for healthy bones and muscles
Strong bones and muscles are extremely important for an active lifestyle. Throughout a person’s lifetime, specialized cells continuously break down and build up bone substance. During a child’s growth phase and up to the age of around 20, the build-up processes take priority. Bone density increases, and we are able to bear increasingly heavy loads. The older we get, the more the bone substance is broken down; bones gradually become weaker. Hormones, diet, and medications affect metabolic activity within the bone and can speed up the breakdown process.
Following an active lifestyle with plenty of exercise is good for bone and muscle health at any age. Our musculoskeletal system also needs a range of micronutrients. These include vitamin D, vitamin K2, calcium, and magnesium.
Vitamin D3 K2 Hevert plus Calcium und Magnesium 4000 IE – the composition is key
The right composition and dosage of micronutrients is crucial to the health of bones and muscles.
The micronutrients vitamin D, vitamin K2, calcium, and magnesium complement one another perfectly in terms of their functions. By taking Vitamin D3 K2 Hevert plus Calcium und Magnesium 4000 IE, you are supplying your body with an ideal micronutrient combination. The preparation is lactose-free and gluten-free, and also suitable for vegetarians.
Why take vitamin D and K2 together with calcium and magnesium?
The combination of vitamins D3 and K2 with calcium and magnesium in a single capsule has the advantage that the micronutrients act in synergy with one another. Vitamin D contributes to the normal function of muscles and bones and helps the body absorb calcium. Among other things, vitamin K improves the take-up of calcium into the bones. Calcium and magnesium play an essential role in maintaining healthy bones and muscles.
Vitamin D3 K2 Hevert plus Calcium und Magnesium 4000 IE contributes to the preservation of normal bones. In addition, vitamin D, calcium, and magnesium contribute to the preservation of normal muscle function.
The complete source for healthy bones and high-performing muscles.
Especially suitable for
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