Vitamin B12 plus Folsäure Hevert

Vitamin B12 plus Folsäure Hevert

For treatment and prevention of folic acid and vitamin B12 deficiency

Energetic and lively

with Vitamin B12 plus Folsäure Hevert

Vitamin B12 plus Folsäure Hevert helps to prevent and treat folic acid and vitamin B12 deficiency.

What is folic acid and why does the body need it? Folic acid belongs to the group of B vitamins and is involved in many metabolic processes, especially protein metabolism and the metabolism of DNA (genetic material). Folic acid is found mainly in foods such as vegetables. Unfortunately, it is often hard to achieve the required folic acid intake. A suitably large amount of vegetables would have to be eaten, and a substantial proportion of the folic acid is destroyed by heat and light during the preparation of food. Folic acid deficiency can also be triggered by regular dialysis treatment, drug-based cancer treatment, chronic diarrhea, overactive thyroid, and genetic defects of folic acid metabolism. In addition, high alcohol consumption or taking certain drugs such as the contraceptive pill can lead to an inadequate supply of folic acid. 
Folic acid deficiency is linked with cardiovascular diseases, hearing disorders, and decreased cognitive function. A lack of folic acid can manifest itself in the form of a rise in homocysteine levels in the blood, mucous membrane changes in the area of the oral cavity, gastrointestinal disorders with diarrhea or a change in the red blood cells (macrocytic anemia).

Why does the body need vitamin B12? Vitamin B12 plays a role in many processes: formation of white and red blood cells, formation of platelets, and breakdown of the harmful amino acid homocysteine (in conjunction with vitamin B6 and folic acid). Vitamin B12 deficiency may develop if the stomach lining contracts (atrophic gastritis). This results in insufficient formation of intrinsic factor, which is needed for absorption of vitamin B12. People on a vegetarian or vegan diet can also have vitamin B12 deficiency, as vitamin B12 is found in animal-based foods such as meat, eggs, cheese and yogurt.

Taking Vitamin B12 plus Folsäure Hevert ensures fast and lasting success against deficiency symptoms:  At psychological level, a lack of vitamin B12 can lead to symptoms such as listlessness, depressive mood, difficulty concentrating, nervousness, and sleep disorders. At a physical level, symptoms include anemia, pale skin, exhaustion, burning mouth, exhaustion, tiredness, loss of appetite, nerve pain, muscle tremor, coordination disorders, and tingling or a sense of numbness in the legs. A lack of folic acid can manifested itself in the form of mucous membrane changes in the area of the oral cavity, gastrointestinal disorders with diarrhea, macrocytic anemia, and a rise in homocysteine levels in the blood.

Vitamin B12 plus Folsäure Hevert contains high-dose cyanocobalamin, the most stable form of the vitamin, which is used in most vitamin B12 medicines, as well as folic acid. Vitamin B12 plus Folsäure Hevert is injected. Therefore, the high-dose vitamin preparation supplies the requisite energy quickly. Vitamin B12 in particular is not absorbed easily if it has to take a detour through the stomach and intestine as a tablet. This means that the injection is much more effective than vitamin B12 preparations in tablet form. To achieve a lasting effect, application is carried out by a doctor or natural practitioner, usually in the form of a course of injections over several weeks.

Vitamin B12 plus Folsäure Hevert is intended to overcome the symptoms of vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiency quickly. The injections with vitamin B12 and folic acid restore lost vitality and energy.

Especially suitable for people:

  • with bowel diseases
  • with gastritis
  • on a strict vegetarian or vegan diet
  • at more advanced ages

The active ingredients

Acidum folicum



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