Vitamin B1 Hevert

Vitamin B1 Hevert

For pronounced vitamin B1 deficiency

For treating vitamin B1 deficiency

Vitamin B1 ampules from Hevert-Arzneimittel

Why is vitamin B1 important?

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is a soluble vitamin from the B complex, and is particularly essential for the function of the nervous system and in energy metabolism. As a coenzyme, it is involved in extracting energy from carbohydrates. In addition, it takes part in amino acid metabolism. Vitamin B1 plays a role in the preservation of nerve and cardiac muscle tissue as well as growth.

An ampule of Vitamin B1 Hevert contains 200 mg thiamine chloride hydrochloride. The medicine is intended to reliably overcome vitamin B1 deficiency and associated symptoms. Application with Vitamin B1 Hevert should be supervised by a doctor or a natural practitioner.

Vitamin B1 Hevert supplies the body with the essential vitamin B1 and corrects deficiency.

  • Vitamin B1 deficiency
  • Concentration problems
  • Anxiety
  • Tiredness during the day

The active ingredients




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