Vitamin B Komplex forte Hevert

Vitamin B Komplex forte Hevert

Vitamin preparation for treating confirmed deficiencies of vitamins B1, B6, and B12

Vitamin B Komplex forte Hevert – your energy boost

The high-dose powerhouse with vitamin B1, B6, and B12

B vitamins control important metabolic processes. They guarantee that the nervous system can perform its key communication and control function. A lack of B vitamins puts the whole body out of balance, and can lead to painful diseases of the nervous system. If you are burned out, are struggling to concentrate, and fly off the handle at the drop of a hat, you may have a vitamin B deficiency. In particular, vegetarians, and especially vegans, pregnant and breast-feeding women, older people, competitive athletes, people in pain, and diabetes patients should make sure they get enough vitamin B. A lack of these vitamins is often diet-related, but lifestyle is also a factor. Excessive nicotine or alcohol consumption, the contraceptive pill, diuretics or proton pump inhibitors also use up vitamin B. 

Vitamin B Komplex forte Hevert, a prescription-free medicinal product, is intended to quickly supply the body with a high dose of the B vitamins that are essential to its normal function and vitality, and ease symptoms of vitamin B deficiency. As a result, deficiency symptoms are improved, for instance in cases of neuropathy, as are memory performance and cardiac function. In addition, blood formation is promoted and nerve pain is eased. Furthermore, the vitamin B combination even boosts the immune system.

Vitamin B Komplex forte Hevert contains the high-dose B vitamins vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). and vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin). This unique combination is intended to optimize the metabolic processes in the cells, particularly in the nerve cells, thus contributing to regeneration. Just one Vitamin B Komplex forte Hevert tablet per day can be used against recognizable vitamin B1, B6, and B12 deficiency.

Vitamin B Komplex forte Hevert – the high-dose vegan powerhouse. To increase vitality, strengthen the nerves, and boost energy

  • For listlessness
  • For everyday stress
  • For diabetics and pain patients
  • When taking “drains on vitamins”, e.g. the contraceptive pill
  • For vegetarians and vegans
  • For regular smokers or drinkers

The active ingredients




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