Valeriana Hevert Beruhigungsdragees

Valeriana Hevert Beruhigungsdragees

Herbal medicine for restlessness and trouble falling asleep due to nervous disorders

Beneficial plant extracts for stress-related restlessness and sleep disorders

For restlessness and trouble falling asleep due to nervous disorders

Tension and restlessness are understandable reactions to stress. The central nervous system prepares the body for maximum performance by secreting stress hormones. An actor without stage fright is nowhere near as able to concentrate as a colleague who naturally gets nervous before treading the boards. However, stress becomes a problem when it occurs persistently and with no time to recover. Then, nervousness and restlessness become the rule rather than the exception. Restful sleep is disturbed. Resilience, concentration, and performance decline, pushing up stress levels even higher the next day.

Valeriana Hevert Beruhigungsdragees are intended to reduce the irritability of the central nervous system, inducing calm or restful sleep, depending on the dosage. The combination of herbal active ingredients is used to provide calm in stressful everyday situations, with no risk of developing addiction or dependency. The sleep-aiding effect of taking the combination of active ingredients is better than that of a single active ingredient such as pure valerian. In particularly stressful times, Valeriana Hevert Beruhigungsdragees can be combined effectively with Calmvalera in the daytime and with Hevert Dorm in the evening.

Valeriana Hevert Beruhigungsdragees contain extracts of passion flower, valerian, and melissa as a purely herbal medicine. Passion flower is calming and ensures a sound night’s sleep. The sleep phases that are key to restfulness remain intact, and you wake up refreshed the next morning. Valerian calms the nerves in cases of nervous exhaustion, mental stress, and motor restlessness; it aids propensity for sleep when taken in the evenings. Melissa has a calming effect and relieves spasms in the gastrointestinal area.

Valeriana Hevert Beruhigungsdragees are intended to help overcome restlessness caused by nervous disorders and aid restful sleep.

For people who suffer from nervous restlessness and stress-related conditions, for sleep disorders

The active ingredients

Melissa officinalis
Passiflora incarnata
Valeriana officinalis



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