Senfsaat Selen Hevert 200 µg

Senfsaat Selen Hevert 200 µg

Senfsaat Selen Hevert 200 µg – plant-based preparation with natural selenium from mustard seeds

Plant-based selenium with high bioavailability and bioactivity:

Senfsaat Selen Hevert 200 µg

Why does the body need selenium?
Selenium is a vital trace element that is involved mainly in detoxification processes in the body. It protects cells in the human body from oxidative stress, thus preventing cell damage by free radicals. Selenium also plays an important role in the immune system and the thyroid. In addition, the trace element helps to keep hair and nails healthy, and promotes sperm production in men. Symptoms of selenium deficiency include susceptibility to infections, hair loss, fatigue, flaky and pale skin, infertility in men, and thyroid disorders.
Cereals and vegetables grown in Europe contain little selenium, as the selenium content of European soil is comparatively low. Animal-based foods such as meat, eggs, and fish usually contain more selenium. To avoid selenium deficiency, it is best to maintain a balanced diet with foods rich in selenium such as meat, fish, and eggs as well as mushrooms, cruciferous vegetables, bulb vegetables, lentils, asparagus, and nuts . This applies particularly, but not exclusively, to vegetarians and vegans. Taking dietary supplements, e.g. in the form of selenium tablets or capsules, can help to cover the required daily intake of selenium.

Senfsaat Selen Hevert 200 µg – plant-based selenium with high bioavailability and bioactivity
Senfsaat Selen Hevert 200 µg contains natural, purely plant-based selenium extract made from black mustard. The resource-efficient process used to produce the mustard-seed extract ensures outstanding quality as well as high bioavailability and bioactivity. This means that selenium can be particularly well absorbed and processed by the body. The German-made plant-based product is vegan, well tolerated, and free of colorants and preservatives. It is available exclusively at pharmacies. One 200 µg selenium capsule per day is enough to give the body the selenium it needs.

Black mustard
Along with brown and white mustard, black mustard (Brassica nigra) is a constituent of the universally popular condiment paste, mustard. Black mustard is native to the Mediterranean region, and has been used as a medicinal herb and agricultural crop for centuries. The mustard plant is particularly good at absorbing selenium from the soil and storing it. This makes mustard an excellent source for a purely plant-based selenium preparation like Senfsaat Selen Hevert 200 µg.

Senfsaat Selen Hevert 200 µg contributes to the normal function of the immune system and to the protection of cells against oxidative stress. It also supports normal thyroid function, the preservation of normal hair and nails, and sperm production in men.

For people who

  • want to boost their immune system
  • suffer from persistent stress
  • have insufficient selenium supply
  • want to boost their thyroid function
  • want to boost the production of healthy sperm
  • are on a vegan or vegetarian diet

The ingredients

Senfsaat-Extrakt (mit Selen)

Recommended use


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