Pulmo Hevert Bronchialcomplex Tabletten

Pulmo Hevert Bronchialcomplex Tabletten

Naturopathic medicine for inflammations of the respiratory tract with coughing

Difficulty breathing, dry cough?

Breathe deeply again with Pulmo Hevert Bronchialcomplex Tabletten

Inflammation of the respiratory tract is often characterized by spasmodic coughing or a relentless urge to cough. Left untreated, this dry cough usually progresses to a cough with mucusy sputum, the bronchi become constricted, and patients have difficulty breathing with dyspnea. Patients who treat this type of bronchitis early and rigorously are able to breathe deeply again, while preventing the inflammation from spreading or becoming chronic.

Pulmo Hevert Bronchialcomplex Tabletten are intended to provide reliable relief for respiratory symptoms such as those that accompany bronchitis. They can be used to help with tickly, dry or spasmodic coughs, break up stubborn mucus in the bronchi, and stop excessive mucus production. Pulmo Hevert Bronchialcomplex Tabletten are used for acute respiratory infections with coughing and hoarseness, as well as for chronic coughs. Easy to take – the tablets dissolve in the mouth.

The combination of nine naturopathic active substances, which have been carefully selected so they complement one another, is intended to provide reliable, natural relief for inflammation of the respiratory tract with a cough, as well as to support the body’s ability to heal itself. The inflammation in the respiratory tract, as in chronic bronchitis, for instance, subsides and the nagging urge to cough is relieved without suppressing the cough center in the brain. Thick mucus is broken up and dissolved. This results in a cough with sputum, making it easier to cough up the mucus and the pathogens with it. The constricted bronchi relax so patients can breathe deeply again. In most cases, this prevents the spread of the inflammation; for example, to the frontal and paranasal sinuses. The airways’ function is restored.

Pulmo Hevert Bronchialcomplex Tabletten are intended to help with acute and chronic inflammations of the respiratory tract, relieve coughing and break up stubborn mucus.

Especially suitable for:

  • inflammations of the respiratory tract
  • spasmodic or dry cough
  • bronchitis with mucus
  • hoarseness
  • chronic asthma (supportive)

The active ingredients

Grindelia robusta
Kalium jodatum
Spongia marina
Sticta pulmonaria
Teucrium scorodonia
Verbascum thapsiforme
Yerba santa



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