Heweurat Harnsäuretropfen

Heweurat Harnsäuretropfen

Naturopathic medicine for gout and other rheumatic problems

Raised uric acid levels? Gout?

Heweurat Harnsäuretropfen can help

A diet rich in meat products, e.g. offal, meat extracts, and fish, as well as pulses, yeast and even alcohol can particularly increase levels of uric acid in the blood. The clinical term for raised uric acid levels is hyperuricemia. It can result in deposits of uric acid crystals (urates) in the joints, in the cartilage, under the skin (chalkstone), and especially in the kidney. This leads to recurring pain inflammations in the form of gout. Kidney stones can also arise, as not enough uric acid is excreted in the urine in soluble form. General recommendations:
 A low-purine diet should be adopted in order to reduce uric acid levels. Low-purine foods include eggs, diary products, rice, potatoes, nuts, fruit, and wheat bread. Until uric acid levels have stabilized, it is advisable to drink approximately 2.5–3 liters of liquid (tea, water) in order to be able to produce 2 liters of urea per day.

Heweurat Harnsäuretropfen are intended to ease joint symptoms and promote the excretion of uric acid via the kidneys.

Heweurat Harnsäuretropfen contain the four naturopathic active ingredients Belladonna (deadly nightshade), Berberis (barberry), Lithium carbonicum, and Urtica (stinging nettle). Belladonna is used as a remedy for acute inflammations. Urtica and Berberis promote excretion in the kidneys. Lithium carbonicum is used primarily for joint symptoms. 

Heweurat Harnsäuretropfen are intended to ease joint symptoms and increase the excretion of uric acid.

  • Gout
  • Rheumatic symptoms
  • Raised uric acid levels
  • Joint pain caused by gout/rheumatism

The active ingredients

Berberis vulgaris
Lithium carbonicum
Urtica urens



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