Ginkgo biloba comp. Hevert

Ginkgo biloba comp. Hevert

Naturopathic medicine for hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis)

Enjoy a sprightly old age

Ginkgo biloba comp. Hevert 

Arteriosclerosis is caused by a build-up of plaque consisting of fats and calcium that causes the blood vessels to become more and more narrow. The blood flow becomes restricted, preventing the organs and tissues from receiving an adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients. Depending on where the vessels are located, there is an increased risk of heart attack, stroke or circulatory disorders, such as in the legs. Changes in the blood vessels do not appear only after a person reaches old age. Instead, they are a gradual process that begins in middle-aged individuals. The process is facilitated by risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, being overweight, lack of exercise, high levels of fat in the blood, and smoking. With arteriosclerosis, hardening of the vessels causes hardening of the arteries, and blocks them completely in extreme cases. Action or lifestyle changes are required in this case in order to prevent these medical conditions.

In homeopathy, it is well known that in homeopathic preparations, the positive effects of Ginkgo biloba on hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis) are believed to be similar to those seen in its use as a plant extract.
Risk factors for hardening of the arteries are:

  • too much stress
  • raised levels of fat in the blood
  • raised homocysteine levels
  • high blood pressure
  • diabetes
  • lack of exercise
  • overweight
  • smoking

In more severe cases, an insufficient flow of blood to the brain can cause headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, temporary visual impairment, and memory disorders.

Ginkgo biloba comp. Hevert slows the age-related advancement of arteriosclerosis when used regularly over the long term, so you can maintain your physical and mental fitness longer. When taken early, this naturopathic medicine is intended to protect the vascular system, regulate age-related high blood pressure, and lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and events such as heart attacks and strokes.

The well-tolerated active ingredients in Ginkgo biloba comp. Hevert are Ginkgo biloba (ginkgo tree) and Aurum colloidale (gold). They unleash their potential in the blood vessels and central nervous system. Blood flow distributes oxygen to even the tiniest capillaries, and greater amounts of oxygen are therefore made available for physical and mental performance once again.

Ginkgo biloba comp. Hevert is intended to improve circulation and oxygen supply by protecting against hardening of the arteries


  • hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis)
  • age-related high blood pressure
  • circulatory disorders

The active ingredients

Aurum colloidale
Ginkgo biloba



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