Employees are the key to our success

Team spirit, reliability and trust are the building blocks of successful cooperation at Hevert. The Hevert corporate culture is characterized by mutual respect, appreciation and recognition.

Hevert would not be the successful company it is today without its dedicated employees. Competence, motivation and friendliness come first for the Hevert team. The friendly and collegial collaboration is the core of Hevert corporate culture and is highly appreciated by visitors and business partners.

In the spirit of Hevert’s motto “Together naturally successful”, employee representatives and the Executive Board work together on a basis of trust. To demonstrate the company’s “us” feeling and level hierarchies to the outside world, all Hevert employees, from trainees to top managers, wear the white “We Love Nature” workwear, except in particular areas where special regulations apply.

As a company with a strong focus on training, Hevert provides training in seven different occupations. Hevert is regularly represented at regional training fairs and events in order to attract future trainees and secure young blood for the company.

Each year, Hevert participates in the nationwide “Girls’ Day” and also regularly offers high schoolers and college students an opportunity during the year to have internships or to write scientific papers at the company.

Motivation and entrepreneurial thinking

Motivation and entrepreneurial thinking determine actions at Hevert. Through a willingness to work hard and learn new things, to actively participate and take initiative, the employees continually move the family-run company forward as a team. Level hierarchies and quick decision-making have been an important competitive advantage at Hevert over less dynamic large corporations for many years, making Hevert an attractive employer, especially for young applicants. At Hevert, employees are often given responsibility starting their very first day and not just after working there a long time. Participation is a priority at Hevert. Hevert idea management, for example, enables employees, through the submission of ideas and suggestions for improvement, to contribute their skills, knowledge and experience beyond what their actual jobs require, for the further development of the company. This also provides for a continuous, company-wide improvement process, making idea management into a perceptible element of the innovation-friendly Hevert corporate culture.

Diversity and equality

Hevert focuses on diversity and equality in the company and leverages the strengths of individuals for the company’s success. Hevert has trusted in equal opportunities since its founding and has always had a high percentage of women on staff. Today, women are also in key management positions. 30% of the top management positions in the company are currently occupied by women. From trainees to entry level staff to experienced senior managers, from the youngest to the oldest and from the least to most experienced in the profession, great diversity, which leads to very successful teamwork through the combination of new ideas and decades of experience can be found at Hevert. Hevert also values an international perspective among its employees, and employs people from seven different cultures. We believe that a company can have lasting success only if its employees are satisfied. We therefore regularly conduct employee satisfaction surveys and, in 2020, took part in the scientific employee and management survey by the zeag Center for Employer Attractiveness and St. Gallen University. Every year, the best employers among Germany’s SMEs are honored, and we are delighted that Hevert is one of them with 45 other companies, and has received the Top Job Award . The results serve as an independent benchmark for management style and corporate culture and reaffirm our corporate strategy. There’s another award that we’re proud of: Hevert is one of the most innovative companies in Germany. In cooperation with the Statista portal, Capital magazine again named Germany’s most innovative companies in 2020. Hevert is one of the winners in the area of chemical/pharmaceutical & biotechnology. The award is partly based on a survey of around 3,200 German managers. The assessment criteria were: Products & Services, Process Innovations and Corporate Culture.

Balance between work, family, health and leisure

Hevert values maintaining a balance between work, family, health and leisure.

We regularly organize team events, company celebrations and excursions. Group activities organized by the occupational health management team, such as the Hevert Yoga Group or the Hevert Indiaca Group (which plays a game based on the Brazilian sport of peteca), provide good examples of this. True to the company mission, “Hevert means health,” all employees are provided water, coffee, tea and organically grown fruit and vegetables every day, free of charge. In addition, a large patch for vegetable cultivation has been laid below the medicinal plant field at the company’s headquarters in Nussbaum. At harvest time, a vast array of freshly picked regional organic vegetables is available for employees to take home.

A well-balanced life style is the basis for a healthy way of living. With about 60 flexible working hour models, the company supports its 200 employees in arranging their work around their private needs, as far as possible, which is very important for working parents, for example. Hevert thus aims to offer its employees the opportunity to optimally combine their private and professional life.

School vacations and preschool closures frequently present working parents with the challenge of organizing childcare. Hevert has helped to remedy this by building its own daycare center at its headquarters in Nussbaum. The company has offered regular daycare and children’s vacation programs throughout the year there since 2014. A special feature of the concept is a petting zoo. For the Hevert Daycare Center, the pharmaceutical company received the “Fair Family” seal of approval of the Verband kinderreicher Familien Deutschland e. V. (association of families with many children) as a model company for family friendliness. It offers an exciting environment, a feel-good atmosphere and space for playing, rollicking around, crafting and gardening. Creativity has no boundaries.

The Ministry of Economics (Wirtschaftsministerium), the Investitions- und Strukturbank Rheinland-Pfalz (ISB), and the Rhineland-Palatinate Chambers recognized the sum of all activities in the HR policy and the special commitment with the “Attractive Employer Rhineland-Palatinate” prize in December 2018.