Dedicated to Naturopathy

Hevert actively advocates for naturopathy and the advancement of naturopathic preparations.

Not only for its own company, but for the whole market, Hevert is committed to a liberal definition of the legal framework and for the preservation of the largest possible diversity of naturopathic preparations and active ingredients.

Hevert’s financial involvement in the founding of the Europäisches Institut für Homöopathie (European Institute for Homeopathy – InHom) and the Homöopathie-Stiftung des Deutschen Zentralvereins homöopathischer Ärzte (Homeopathic Foundation of the German Central Union of Homeopathic Physicians) is just as much a given for Hevert as its years-long support of the Hufeland-Gesellschaft (Hufeland Society) and the “Internationale Gesellschaft für Natur- und Kulturheilkunde” (International Society for Naturopathy and Cultural Medicine – IGNK) or its membership of the friends’ association of the Karl and Veronica Carsten Foundation “Natur und Medizin e. V.” (Nature and Medicine), the “European Coalition on Homeopathic and Anthroposophic Medicinal Products” (ECHAMP), the “Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Homöopathie (Scientific Society for Homeopathy – WissHom), the “Kooperation Phytopharmaka” and the “Association of Natural Medicines in Europe” (ANME).

Research and development are essential for the continuous improvement of preparations and therapies. For Hevert-Arzneimittel, research and development also means, in addition to the search for new therapeutic approaches and the development of improved formulations and new preparations, the development of new analytical methods to ensure quality and the further development of therapies for clinical use. The company also supports selected naturopathic research projects within the framework of research collaborations.

Product improvements and launches

Continuous product improvement in the form of new dosage forms or innovative active ingredient compositions results in ongoing refinement of the naturopathic Hevert range. Customer safety and requests are ever-present factors in our approach to this. These developments are carried out in the in-house Research and Development (R&D) department and in collaboration with external service providers.

At the R&D department, existing formulations are examined with the aim of identifying potential for optimization. This also leads to the creation of new preparations intended to meet all manner of patient needs. Since 2019, the R&D department has also been working on the composition and the processing of excipient mixtures for the entire range of Hevert tablets. The aim of the large-scale project is to find more robust formulations and to identify potential for optimization within the manufacturing processes, including from an environmental perspective.

Grundlagenforschung im Labor

Basic research

In recent years, Hevert has stepped up its commitment to basic research into homeopathic preparations. In this field, the family business plays an essential role in obtaining new findings while providing a solid academic foundation for homeopathy and naturopathy.

The mechanism of action of potentized preparations, as used in homeopathy, is always a contentious issue of discussion in the media and in conventional academia. It is not widely known that research has seen significant progress in this area in recent years and that there is a large number of promising research approaches. With cooperative projects, research funding, the organization of specialist conferences and symposia, as well as publications, Hevert is helping to expand the level of knowledge both scientifically and organizationally. The family business supports several initiatives and institutions working on basic research, such as the Homeopathy Research Institute in London or Witten/Herdecke University.

Academic studies and clinical research

Hevert has conducted randomized, controlled, double-blind studies on two of its homeopathic preparations in line with the highest standards for evidence-based medicine. Studies at such high levels of quality are expensive and time-consuming. The results have been published in prestigious medical journals. That makes another addition to the wealth of academic studies conducted regarding potentized preparations.

When brain activity was measured after the Calmvalera tablets preparation was taken, a state of relaxation was verified to have been reached. This is associated with stress easing. In what is good news for anyone who suffers from exam nerves in particular, it took effect within 90 minutes, without any detrimental effect on the study participants’ concentration (Dimpfel W. et al., Physiological Effectiveness of Calmvalera Hevert Tablets as Measured by EnkephaloVision in Anxious Subjects during Audio-Visual Cognitive and Emotional Challenges: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, 2-Armed, Phase IV Study in Parallel Design, JBBS 2016, DOI: 10.4236/jbbs.2016.610039).

For Sinusitis Hevert, there were distinct benefits in accelerated recovery from certain symptoms of inflammation of the sinuses. Evaluation of the data demonstrated an improvement in the five main symptoms of sinusitis by at least 50% within a maximum of five days. Michalsen A. et al., Efficacy and Tolerability of a Homeopathic Combination Remedy (Sinusitis Hevert) for Acute, Uncomplicated Rhinosinusitis: A Multi-Center, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study on Adult Patients., Complement Med Res. 2017, DOI:10.1159/000471922.

Research funding

Innovation starts in the mind, and it takes commitment  and support to implement it. New approaches and ideas in particular often lack recognition. That is why in 2006, Hevert launched the Dr. Wolfgang Hevert Prize, a major initiative aimed at supporting academic work in the field of holistic medicine. The prize is also intended to commemorate the work of pharmacist Wolfgang Hevert, Dr. med., the former Managing Director of the company. The €10,000 sponsorship prize is awarded every two years in cooperation with the Hevert-Foundation.


Preserving and passing on knowledge

Improving and preserving knowledge relating to naturopathy constitute key aspects of the work of Hevert’s medical research team. For example, Hevert possesses a broad collection of naturopathic literature, including rare historical works. A dedicated team is also in the process of entering this extensive body of knowledge into an electronic database. Emphasis is placed on preserving the findings of the famous naturopath Pastor Emanuel Felke and the adaptation of his therapeutic ideas to modern medicine.

Hevert also supports the training of professionals in naturopathy. Each year, the Hevert academy for naturopathy, the so-called Hevert-Akademie, offers numerous training sessions throughout Germany in cooperation with a strong network of experts and supports training institutes with speakers or educational materials. The offer is complemented by several online seminars and materials for self-study.